
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ode to Bubba Joe

A year ago we lost a member of our little family, a small 8 year old pug named "Daffy".
A few months later, my wife found a website for the "Seattle Pug Rescue".
This discovery led us to a 10 year old pug named, "Bubba Joe".
Bubba Joe is not a pure pug, he is more Heinz 57 with some English Bulldog added.
Bubba Joe doesn't see very well but has proven to love living in the country.
He is quiet and in his own mature way, keeps tabs on everything going on.

What is remarkable about Bubba Joe is his devotion to Michele.
When she steps out the door, he will remain where he is for a while, carefully watching the door for her return. If she doesn't return, he will start relocating closer and closer to the door. After an hour, he will be laying in front of the door with his nose almost touching it. I can call him and he ignores me. It is like he is trying to use his force of will to bring the girl back. When he gets like this, I just leave him alone because he is resolved in his heart to faithfully remain steadfast until she returns.

Today, Michele was not feeling well and laid down in the bedroom. I closed the door to insure she had some peace and quiet. Later in the afternoon, I realized I hadn't seen Bubba Joe in a couple hours. A short search revealed him laying in front of Michele's bedroom door with his nose pressed against it. I tried to get his attention but he would not be deterred from his post.

Bubba Joe's unwavering devotion to Michele gives me a peace of mind that he would defend her to the death.

I am not sure what dogs feel or are able to understand, but I have observed Bubba Joe swear his allegiance to Michele. Of this I have no doubt.

The spiritual take-away is very simple:
"We must have that same love and devotion to our Lord that Bubba Joe has for Michele."

This challenges our self centered perspective of using the good Lord as a fire insurance policy to keep our eternal destination pointed Heavenward.

"If you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.
For it is by believing in your heart
that you are made right with God,
and it is by confessing with your mouth
that you are saved.
Romans 10:9-10

Notice the 2nd line: "that Jesus is Lord".

"Lord" means master, controller, ruler, owner.

Is this the relationship you have with Jesus Christ?

Does He have total control over your thoughts?
Does He have total control over your attitudes?
Does He have total control over your relationships?
Does He have total control over your desires?
Does He have total control over your goals?
Does He have total control over your finances?

If not, how would you characterize your relationship with Jesus Christ?

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