Part 2: LOVE is KIND ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4
Giving someone what they NEED the most
when they deserve it the LEAST
at GREAT personal cost to you
without getting ANYTHING in return
(1) Keep My Distance Luke 10:30-31
(2) Curious But Uninvolved 10:32
(3) Treat Others How I Want To Be Treated 10:33
Kindness is love EXPRESSING itself
I know what love LOOKS LIKE because….
I see it in your kindness
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another, even as God
in Christ forgave you”
Ephesians 4:32
“Your kindness will reward you,
but your cruelty will destroy you”
Proverbs 11:17
“When he saw the man's condition,
his heart went out to him.”
Luke 10:33b; Matthew 14:14
“When he saw him, his heart was filled with pity” Luke 10:33; 2 Corinthians 1:4; Galatians 6:2
“Kneeling beside him, the Samaritan
soothed his wounds….” Luke 10:34
“Never walk away from someone who deserves help;
your hand is God's hand for that person.
Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow
if you can help them now.”
Proverbs 3:27-28; Matthew 7:12
“Then he put the man on his own donkey
and took him to an inn, where he took care of him…
he handed the innkeeper two pieces of silver
and told him to take care of the man.
'If his bill runs higher than that,' he said,
'I'll pay the difference the next time I am here.'“
Luke 10:34b-35
shine in the dark. The Lord will always lead
you and He’ll satisfy your needs in dry lands...
You’ll be like a spring that never runs dry!”
Isaiah 58:10-11