This is the third blog I have written today.
The first blog turned out to be a sermon that was so dry, tumbleweeds were bouncing across my IPad2 screen. I bet you don't have that app. That special feature lets me know when my writing is so boring that the computer begs me to stop.
The second blog reminded me of an airplane circling a fogged in airport. It was a nice ride but it just circled the airport endlessly, without a clue how or where to land. So in a act of mercy, I filed it under the title, "Open Never".
This third blog is a thank you to those of you that take the time to read my blogs.
Years ago, God gave me a desire to write. And to make it practical, He also called me to be a pastor. So each week, I wrote a number of sermons. I not only loved writing the sermons but it taught me how to work around deadlines, communicate difficult concepts, and refine the art of writing.
Garden Valley Community Church was kind enough to purchase me a web site to post my work on. They were very patient with me. But I didn't have a clear vision of what God wanted me to write and I didn't have my own voice. So I spent a couple years trying different techniques and methods. I needed the experience.
I found my voice and I refined my writing skills but my reader base got tired of waiting on me and moved on. So there were less than 20 people a month that checked out my web site.
When God nudged me and moved my thoughts toward writing a blog, my first impression was discouragement. I hated the thought of spending hundreds of hours writing and having no one bother to read them. God took me by the hand and led me to Blog Spot and like a child, walked me through the setup process. It only took a few minutes.
I sat and stared out the window and wondered what message God wanted me to write. If it is possible, God rolled His eyes and let out a deep sigh before placing my hands on the keyboard.
God told me, "Take a look at what I am doing in your life today and simply share it with your friends".
One of my great regrets about being a pastor is that I only get to communicate with my friends a couple times a week. My God given desire to communicate had finally found a medium.
So I started typing and a few days later, I scrolled to the bottom of the page and God lovingly provided me 1000 hits on my blog. And before you ask, no, the hit counter does not record my personal visits to the blog. To me, having God nudge my friends 1000 times to visit my blog is all the validation I need to work harder and improve the quality of the blog in 2012. God bless you and with all my heart, "Thank you".
I am reminded of one of my favorite Bible verses:
"I am the Lord your God.... open wide your mouth and I will fill it" Psalm 81:10
"May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer". Psalm 19:14
Garden Valley Community Church Pastor Shane Moffitt January 4 th 2015 “ The Church on Fire” series PART 1: When a Chu...
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
True Loyalty is Humbling....
God allowed me a unique experience that I will treasure till my dying day.
This is the first time I have written of it. The emotional affect it has
on me is draining. Tears stream down my face as I am humbled at the honor
I was allowed to experience. God selected me to lead a group of heroic men
and women in a very dark and dangerous place.
April 1st, 1999, Sheriff Craig Thayer promoted me to Chief of Corrections.
Being supervisor of a jail is like being king of a forbidden dark world
that people refuse to acknowledge or talk about.
My dad likes to say, "There is a lot to be said for having something that
no one else wants". That is exactly what it was like being Chief of Corrections.
No one was jealous of my position as Chief. That should have suggested something.
The Corrections Staff were a group of people that ended up working in jail
through no fault of their own. Not one of us stood up at our High School
Graduation and announced that our dream in life was to work in the dark
windowless basement of the courthouse, breathe the most foul stench possible,
work every holiday, and take abuse from inmates.
At one point, 3/4ths of my staff had open L&I injury claims resulting from assaults
from inmates. The hard part was, outside of the department, no one knew and
no one cared. There were no awards, no medals, no parades, just the knowledge
that tomorrow held the promise of more verbal and physical abuse from customers.
The conditions and abuse had a refining effect. The staff knew that if they weren't
loyal and protect each other, no one else would be there for them.
I took an inmate into court for charges of assaulting a Corrections Officer. In open
court, the Superior Court Judge commented that people in that line of work needed to
expect that sort of behavior from inmates. The Corrections Staff began to understand
that loyalty to each other was necessary for survival.
I worked in the jail for over 10 years before I was promoted, so I had a clear
understanding of the terrible toll the Corrections Officers sacrificed every day.
I would daily search my soul for any shred of hope that I could give my Officers.
If there was a piece of equipment that might protect them, I would find the money
and get it for them. If there was some training event that would prepare them for
scenarios that they would have to face, I found the money and send them. I wrote
federal grants and received money for remodeling and security systems.
This didn't solve the problem but it tipped the scales and gave my Officers the
edge they needed to start winning more than we lost.
A drug induced, mentally disturbed inmate in Protective Custody hurt me badly
and ended my career. I passed my leadership mantle on to new qualified Officers
that would continue to protect my Corrections Officers at all cost.
As I was leaving the jail, I was presented with a photo scrapbook. Each page
contained a photo of one of my Officers and their respect for my leadership.
My Corrections Officers threw a going away party for me and with many tears,
paid their respects. Words fail to express the respect and pride I
have for these amazing men and women. Everyday, I ask God to protect those that
are still serving and sacrificing. Their sacrifices insure that each of us can
live with the assurance that brave souls are standing the line, holding back the
forces of evil that desire to prey on society and the innocent.
God speed my friends.... God speed....
Genesis 39:21-23
"The LORD was with Joseph; and God showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did"
This is the first time I have written of it. The emotional affect it has
on me is draining. Tears stream down my face as I am humbled at the honor
I was allowed to experience. God selected me to lead a group of heroic men
and women in a very dark and dangerous place.
April 1st, 1999, Sheriff Craig Thayer promoted me to Chief of Corrections.
Being supervisor of a jail is like being king of a forbidden dark world
that people refuse to acknowledge or talk about.
My dad likes to say, "There is a lot to be said for having something that
no one else wants". That is exactly what it was like being Chief of Corrections.
No one was jealous of my position as Chief. That should have suggested something.
The Corrections Staff were a group of people that ended up working in jail
through no fault of their own. Not one of us stood up at our High School
Graduation and announced that our dream in life was to work in the dark
windowless basement of the courthouse, breathe the most foul stench possible,
work every holiday, and take abuse from inmates.
At one point, 3/4ths of my staff had open L&I injury claims resulting from assaults
from inmates. The hard part was, outside of the department, no one knew and
no one cared. There were no awards, no medals, no parades, just the knowledge
that tomorrow held the promise of more verbal and physical abuse from customers.
The conditions and abuse had a refining effect. The staff knew that if they weren't
loyal and protect each other, no one else would be there for them.
I took an inmate into court for charges of assaulting a Corrections Officer. In open
court, the Superior Court Judge commented that people in that line of work needed to
expect that sort of behavior from inmates. The Corrections Staff began to understand
that loyalty to each other was necessary for survival.
I worked in the jail for over 10 years before I was promoted, so I had a clear
understanding of the terrible toll the Corrections Officers sacrificed every day.
I would daily search my soul for any shred of hope that I could give my Officers.
If there was a piece of equipment that might protect them, I would find the money
and get it for them. If there was some training event that would prepare them for
scenarios that they would have to face, I found the money and send them. I wrote
federal grants and received money for remodeling and security systems.
This didn't solve the problem but it tipped the scales and gave my Officers the
edge they needed to start winning more than we lost.
A drug induced, mentally disturbed inmate in Protective Custody hurt me badly
and ended my career. I passed my leadership mantle on to new qualified Officers
that would continue to protect my Corrections Officers at all cost.
As I was leaving the jail, I was presented with a photo scrapbook. Each page
contained a photo of one of my Officers and their respect for my leadership.
My Corrections Officers threw a going away party for me and with many tears,
paid their respects. Words fail to express the respect and pride I
have for these amazing men and women. Everyday, I ask God to protect those that
are still serving and sacrificing. Their sacrifices insure that each of us can
live with the assurance that brave souls are standing the line, holding back the
forces of evil that desire to prey on society and the innocent.
God speed my friends.... God speed....
Genesis 39:21-23
"The LORD was with Joseph; and God showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did"
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thoughts on True Friends....
Today I had the pleasure of spending the day with a friend. Granted we had a lot of work to do and much of it was under a great deal of pressure. But standing by the side of a friend while facing a daunting task, is an honor.
So in the midst of our goat rodeo, I paused to ask myself, "What do I bring to the friendship?" God tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me of the long refining process He has brought me through, and that He continues to transform me into a person that gives Him delight. My education, life experience and personality allows me to work with people under very difficult circumstances. My friend can benefit from this.
Then I pondered, "What does my friend bring to the friendship?" Again God nudged me and offered some insight. My friend expects me to be honest. He doesn't require me to filter or screen my speech. If he disagrees, he knows that I respect his intellect and life experience enough to listen without offense. My friend comes from a very different belief system, which affords him a fresh perspective on difficult decisions. I have tremendous respect and appreciation for these attributes.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another"
Proverbs 27:17
This is a very familiar verse that talks about the affects of true friendship.
The "Shane Moffitt Paraphrase" of this verse is, "You can tell a true friend because the truth is spoken" (Ephesians 4:15, "speak the truth in love").
Truth without love is cruel.
Love without truth is compromise.
This is how you can tell the difference between a friend and an acquaintance.
An acquaintance doesn't care enough about you to confront issues on your life. An acquaintance will simply tell you what you want to hear. (Hebrews 4:12 "Whom the Lord loves, He disciplines).
Be aware, there is the chance, that when "iron meets iron" that the counsel will be rejected and the friendship will take a beating. In matters of the heart, you must accept that the heart is where God works. Trust that God will take the seeds of counsel you have offered and will nurture them into something healthy.
There is an interesting skill required here. You must only sharpen, as much as your friend is able to handle. Often in life, if you unload too much wonderful advice, your friend will crumble under the load. Sometimes you have to ration out your sharpening. And sometimes the most potent counsel is the example you live.
The secret to this, is keeping the correct perspective. Your perspective must be that you desire to move your friend to a healthier place. This means, that the whole sharpening process is not about you, it is about your friend. This is not about you voicing your opinion. This is not about you laying down the law. That will have a repelling affect and your counsel will be ignored.
My final observation on this is from James 1:5, "If you lack wisdom, ask God...". Before you offer counsel to a friend, take a moment and ask God to guide your words.
So in the midst of our goat rodeo, I paused to ask myself, "What do I bring to the friendship?" God tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me of the long refining process He has brought me through, and that He continues to transform me into a person that gives Him delight. My education, life experience and personality allows me to work with people under very difficult circumstances. My friend can benefit from this.
Then I pondered, "What does my friend bring to the friendship?" Again God nudged me and offered some insight. My friend expects me to be honest. He doesn't require me to filter or screen my speech. If he disagrees, he knows that I respect his intellect and life experience enough to listen without offense. My friend comes from a very different belief system, which affords him a fresh perspective on difficult decisions. I have tremendous respect and appreciation for these attributes.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another"
Proverbs 27:17
This is a very familiar verse that talks about the affects of true friendship.
The "Shane Moffitt Paraphrase" of this verse is, "You can tell a true friend because the truth is spoken" (Ephesians 4:15, "speak the truth in love").
Truth without love is cruel.
Love without truth is compromise.
This is how you can tell the difference between a friend and an acquaintance.
An acquaintance doesn't care enough about you to confront issues on your life. An acquaintance will simply tell you what you want to hear. (Hebrews 4:12 "Whom the Lord loves, He disciplines).
Be aware, there is the chance, that when "iron meets iron" that the counsel will be rejected and the friendship will take a beating. In matters of the heart, you must accept that the heart is where God works. Trust that God will take the seeds of counsel you have offered and will nurture them into something healthy.
There is an interesting skill required here. You must only sharpen, as much as your friend is able to handle. Often in life, if you unload too much wonderful advice, your friend will crumble under the load. Sometimes you have to ration out your sharpening. And sometimes the most potent counsel is the example you live.
The secret to this, is keeping the correct perspective. Your perspective must be that you desire to move your friend to a healthier place. This means, that the whole sharpening process is not about you, it is about your friend. This is not about you voicing your opinion. This is not about you laying down the law. That will have a repelling affect and your counsel will be ignored.
My final observation on this is from James 1:5, "If you lack wisdom, ask God...". Before you offer counsel to a friend, take a moment and ask God to guide your words.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Can you imagine....
"what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?" Psalm 8:4
I was watching our chickens run around their pen, hassling each other and squawking. Briefly I wondered if the chickens are aware me, beyond my amazing ability to dispense lunch. Do they have any understanding of who feeds them? From the way they peck me when I try to put feed in their dish, it is obvious that they are not burdened with a grateful spirit. Their expectations and motivations are totally selfish.
I am curious what they think of me, their owner, who gathers their eggs one morning and selects which of them will roost in the crock pot the next?
I provide them a heat lamp in the winter and a heated water dish to insure it doesn't freeze, yet, they feel no gratitude toward me, their provider. At Christmas, they fail to express their appreciation for my efforts to protect and provide for them.
Every little pellet of food that falls to the ground, results in a thrashing pile of chickens, terrified that they will have to share or miss out on something that is rightfully theirs.
On one hand this seems silly, but in a larger sense, I wonder what God sees when He watches us move about our life. Does He shake His majestic head in disgust as we take provisions from His hand without gratitude? Does He flinch as we peck each other in our squabble for more? Does His heart ache as we selfishly hoard without thought for the well being of our neighbors?
My dear wifey keeps suggesting that if we put the crock pot in the hen house, that it might have a behavior corrective effect on the feathered heathens. I think the whole scared straight program might prove ineffective with our unruly residents.
So my final observation on this topic is this, "Is there any greater honor than knowing that God Almighty, the creator of the universe, knows and cares for me?"
And with this knowledge comes great responsibility. We must live with an awareness of what our loving Heavenly Father is doing in our lives. And of course It is vital that we stop pecking each other in a effort to hoard more than we need.
I was watching our chickens run around their pen, hassling each other and squawking. Briefly I wondered if the chickens are aware me, beyond my amazing ability to dispense lunch. Do they have any understanding of who feeds them? From the way they peck me when I try to put feed in their dish, it is obvious that they are not burdened with a grateful spirit. Their expectations and motivations are totally selfish.
I am curious what they think of me, their owner, who gathers their eggs one morning and selects which of them will roost in the crock pot the next?
I provide them a heat lamp in the winter and a heated water dish to insure it doesn't freeze, yet, they feel no gratitude toward me, their provider. At Christmas, they fail to express their appreciation for my efforts to protect and provide for them.
Every little pellet of food that falls to the ground, results in a thrashing pile of chickens, terrified that they will have to share or miss out on something that is rightfully theirs.
On one hand this seems silly, but in a larger sense, I wonder what God sees when He watches us move about our life. Does He shake His majestic head in disgust as we take provisions from His hand without gratitude? Does He flinch as we peck each other in our squabble for more? Does His heart ache as we selfishly hoard without thought for the well being of our neighbors?
My dear wifey keeps suggesting that if we put the crock pot in the hen house, that it might have a behavior corrective effect on the feathered heathens. I think the whole scared straight program might prove ineffective with our unruly residents.
So my final observation on this topic is this, "Is there any greater honor than knowing that God Almighty, the creator of the universe, knows and cares for me?"
And with this knowledge comes great responsibility. We must live with an awareness of what our loving Heavenly Father is doing in our lives. And of course It is vital that we stop pecking each other in a effort to hoard more than we need.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
The Hardest Place To Pray
I write this from an ICU waiting room.
My friend is having a triple bypass and the family asked me here for prayer support.
After all, isn't that what Pastor's do? Offer prayer cover and faith in difficult times?
How often have you said, "I'll lift you up on prayer" then failed to pray?
Ever wonder why that is?
The answer is uncomfortable.
If we honestly believed that prayer made a difference, we would pray about everything.
If we believed in the power of prayer, then it would be a priority and nothing would stop us from falling on our knees, lifting our hands to heaven, and pouring out our hearts cry to Almighty God.
So for a "real world experience", let me share my today with you.
I fired up our church prayer chain. And solicited all the prayers from as many areas as I could think of. My friend has a very large family and each of them fired up all the prayers they could muster.
The result?
The doctors found that my friends heart was in terrible shape and required 8 hours of surgery.
I told my friends wife that this was a good thing. And that as long as the doctors were under the hood, they should change out the belts, conduct a lube oil filter service, rotate the tires and change the air fresher all at the same time.
She bravely smiled as tears leaked down her cheeks.
The doctors later informed us that his lungs were filling with fluid and that it was only by the grace of God that he got to the hospital on time. And yes, that was almost a quote of what the doctor said. Then the surgeon informed us that the next 48 hours were critical in my friends recovery but that he would be praying for him. That was twice that I heard surgeon make reference to God's healing powers.
So at the end of today, did prayer make any difference?
Without a doubt!
The surgeon found a defective heart valve that needed to be replaced.
The surgeon found a totally plugged heart artery.
The surgeon found a number of partially plugged arteries in the heart.
And last but not least, the surgeon explained to us that when my friend's body realized that there was a totally plugged artery in his heart, that his heart muscle grew a new artery to carry blood. He admitted that the new artery was not very effective but when you are clinging to life, miracles come in all sizes.
James 5:13, "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray"
Hebrews 4:16, "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need"
Matthew 13:58, "And He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief"
My friend is having a triple bypass and the family asked me here for prayer support.
After all, isn't that what Pastor's do? Offer prayer cover and faith in difficult times?
How often have you said, "I'll lift you up on prayer" then failed to pray?
Ever wonder why that is?
The answer is uncomfortable.
If we honestly believed that prayer made a difference, we would pray about everything.
If we believed in the power of prayer, then it would be a priority and nothing would stop us from falling on our knees, lifting our hands to heaven, and pouring out our hearts cry to Almighty God.
So for a "real world experience", let me share my today with you.
I fired up our church prayer chain. And solicited all the prayers from as many areas as I could think of. My friend has a very large family and each of them fired up all the prayers they could muster.
The result?
The doctors found that my friends heart was in terrible shape and required 8 hours of surgery.
I told my friends wife that this was a good thing. And that as long as the doctors were under the hood, they should change out the belts, conduct a lube oil filter service, rotate the tires and change the air fresher all at the same time.
She bravely smiled as tears leaked down her cheeks.
The doctors later informed us that his lungs were filling with fluid and that it was only by the grace of God that he got to the hospital on time. And yes, that was almost a quote of what the doctor said. Then the surgeon informed us that the next 48 hours were critical in my friends recovery but that he would be praying for him. That was twice that I heard surgeon make reference to God's healing powers.
So at the end of today, did prayer make any difference?
Without a doubt!
The surgeon found a defective heart valve that needed to be replaced.
The surgeon found a totally plugged heart artery.
The surgeon found a number of partially plugged arteries in the heart.
And last but not least, the surgeon explained to us that when my friend's body realized that there was a totally plugged artery in his heart, that his heart muscle grew a new artery to carry blood. He admitted that the new artery was not very effective but when you are clinging to life, miracles come in all sizes.
James 5:13, "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray"
Hebrews 4:16, "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need"
Matthew 13:58, "And He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief"
Monday, December 26, 2011
Creating Your Own Religion
In the Old Testament, the Hebrew nation was consistently offending God because as they encountered other cultures, they would adapt bits and pieces of pagan religions and graft it into their own. This compromising practice offended God.
King Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived was the worst offender of this compromising sin. And it led to the downfall of the nation.
"Now King Solomon loved many foreign women. Besides Pharaoh's daughter, he married women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon, and from among the Hittites. The LORD had clearly instructed the people of Israel, "You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods.' Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the LORD. In Solomon's old age, they turned his heart to worship other gods instead of being completely faithful to the LORD his God, as his father, David, had been" 1 Kings 11;1-4
The Smithsonian Magazine has a article about Thomas Jefferson cutting and pasting his own Bible. He would cut out what offended him and keep what agreed with him.
In the New Testament, God was very clear on His position when it came to what His followers would believe and do. "Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'.
God made it clear that He would not tolerate His followers worshipping any other "gods". So when Thomas Jefferson started picking and choosing what he would believe and what he wouldn't believe, he was attempting to placing himself above God. He was placing himself in the position to judge God. And this, in my thinking is very dangerous ground.
"And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book" Revelation 22:18-19
King Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived was the worst offender of this compromising sin. And it led to the downfall of the nation.
"Now King Solomon loved many foreign women. Besides Pharaoh's daughter, he married women from Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon, and from among the Hittites. The LORD had clearly instructed the people of Israel, "You must not marry them, because they will turn your hearts to their gods.' Yet Solomon insisted on loving them anyway. He had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the LORD. In Solomon's old age, they turned his heart to worship other gods instead of being completely faithful to the LORD his God, as his father, David, had been" 1 Kings 11;1-4
The Smithsonian Magazine has a article about Thomas Jefferson cutting and pasting his own Bible. He would cut out what offended him and keep what agreed with him.
In the New Testament, God was very clear on His position when it came to what His followers would believe and do. "Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'.
God made it clear that He would not tolerate His followers worshipping any other "gods". So when Thomas Jefferson started picking and choosing what he would believe and what he wouldn't believe, he was attempting to placing himself above God. He was placing himself in the position to judge God. And this, in my thinking is very dangerous ground.
"And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book" Revelation 22:18-19
Sunday, December 25, 2011
My wifey loves putting puzzles together on the kitchen table. This year she has tackled a 2000 piece puzzle of the Lord's Supper. I look at the 2000 pieces and all I see are a jumbled mass of the same color and roughly the same basic shape. The attraction that draws her to this, eludes me.
I notice that during the warm summer months, no puzzle is allowed out of its box. Apparently the only time puzzles are allowed out of their captive environment is during damp, cold, wintery weather. My conclusion is that puzzles are a last ditch effort to retain sanity when all else has failed.
My final observation on puzzles that leaves me puzzled (pun intended) is that after spending 100 hours of intense labor putting it together, it is then unceremoniously scrapped, roughly tore apart and reinserted into the box until next winter. if I worked that hard on something and invested that many hours on a project, no one would destroy it without losing teeth
"Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest for a while." For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. Mark 6:33
Either come apart or your will come apart. Jesus frequently went apart into a mountain to pray and rest. If I have learned one life lesson this winter, it is the importance of taking care of myself and learning to rest.
For each of us, rest means something different. For my wifey, it is turning off the accounting part of her brain and putting together a puzzle. For me, it is curling up in my chair and writing.
My question for you is, what do you do to recharge your batteries?
Worship in Silence
The hardest tasks for a Believer is to get to know God and keep our hearts pure.
The only way to accomplish both of these is through "silence". Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God."
in silence you discover a taste of eternity.
in silence your body is forced to listen to words.
in silence your tongue is forced to listen to your thoughts.
in silence your thoughts are forced to listen to your heart. Proverbs 4:23
in silence your heart is forced to listen to God's Spirit.
"The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children" Romans 8:16
I notice that during the warm summer months, no puzzle is allowed out of its box. Apparently the only time puzzles are allowed out of their captive environment is during damp, cold, wintery weather. My conclusion is that puzzles are a last ditch effort to retain sanity when all else has failed.
My final observation on puzzles that leaves me puzzled (pun intended) is that after spending 100 hours of intense labor putting it together, it is then unceremoniously scrapped, roughly tore apart and reinserted into the box until next winter. if I worked that hard on something and invested that many hours on a project, no one would destroy it without losing teeth
"Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest for a while." For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. Mark 6:33
Either come apart or your will come apart. Jesus frequently went apart into a mountain to pray and rest. If I have learned one life lesson this winter, it is the importance of taking care of myself and learning to rest.
For each of us, rest means something different. For my wifey, it is turning off the accounting part of her brain and putting together a puzzle. For me, it is curling up in my chair and writing.
My question for you is, what do you do to recharge your batteries?
Worship in Silence
The hardest tasks for a Believer is to get to know God and keep our hearts pure.
The only way to accomplish both of these is through "silence". Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God."
in silence you discover a taste of eternity.
in silence your body is forced to listen to words.
in silence your tongue is forced to listen to your thoughts.
in silence your thoughts are forced to listen to your heart. Proverbs 4:23
in silence your heart is forced to listen to God's Spirit.
"The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children" Romans 8:16
Friday, December 23, 2011
God's Broken Toys
A few years ago, it became apparent to my wife and I that
we needed a pickup. My dad's pickup was usually available
and he never once complained when we commandeered his
little Toyota pickup and used it to haul most every weekend.
So the day came when Michele and I couldn't postpone the
inevitable. Truth is, Carter Toyota is something of a long
running vice for Michele and I. We refuse to count the
number of vehicles Marv and Scott has blessed our family with.
I immediately spotted a little red Ford Ranger. It would haul
what needed hauling without any whistles or bells. In fact,
it was so plain that I felt no emotional attachment to it whatsoever.
Then my dear wifey pointed to a 2003 Toyota Tundra.
(cue the trumpets and angels singing the Hallelujah chorus)
It was love at first sight.
However I quickly noticed a problem with my new shiny pickup.
It was beautiful and there were no scratches or dings.
Michele started calling it my "chick truck" because there was no
possibility of it getting beat around in the woods.
Over time, I finally got it paid off and started accumulating scratches
and dings. These imperfections were very liberating and opened up
a whole world of opportunities for service.
The Good Lord applies this same principle applies to His children.
God allows his children to endure scratches and dings.
"So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power
of Christ can work through me. That's why I take pleasure in my
weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles
that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong"
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted;
He rescues those whose spirits are crushed"
Psalm 34:18
we needed a pickup. My dad's pickup was usually available
and he never once complained when we commandeered his
little Toyota pickup and used it to haul most every weekend.
So the day came when Michele and I couldn't postpone the
inevitable. Truth is, Carter Toyota is something of a long
running vice for Michele and I. We refuse to count the
number of vehicles Marv and Scott has blessed our family with.
I immediately spotted a little red Ford Ranger. It would haul
what needed hauling without any whistles or bells. In fact,
it was so plain that I felt no emotional attachment to it whatsoever.
Then my dear wifey pointed to a 2003 Toyota Tundra.
(cue the trumpets and angels singing the Hallelujah chorus)
It was love at first sight.
However I quickly noticed a problem with my new shiny pickup.
It was beautiful and there were no scratches or dings.
Michele started calling it my "chick truck" because there was no
possibility of it getting beat around in the woods.
Over time, I finally got it paid off and started accumulating scratches
and dings. These imperfections were very liberating and opened up
a whole world of opportunities for service.
The Good Lord applies this same principle applies to His children.
God allows his children to endure scratches and dings.
"So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power
of Christ can work through me. That's why I take pleasure in my
weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles
that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong"
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted;
He rescues those whose spirits are crushed"
Psalm 34:18
Thursday, December 22, 2011
My Parent's Make Christmas Special
When I was a kid, I lived for Christmas morning.
I couldn't sleep for a week before Christmas, eat up with anticipation.
To make it even more pathetic, I would tear around the scotch tape in
an effort to peak at my presents.
Of course, being the genius I am, it never crossed my mind that my folks
could detect the small tears in the wrapping paper.
In hindsight, I realize now that I wasn't near as subtle as I thought.
Every Christmas my presents looked like they were violated by a
steroid driven paper shredder.
My parents loved me enough to let me live with the delusion that
I got away with sneak'n peaks at my presents.
My parents were teaching me two life lessons.
First, choose your battles. 2 Chronicles 32:8 God works behind
the scenes bringing about success in areas we ought to leave alone.
Not every hill is worth dying on.
For instance, when it came to completing my math homework,
they were less understanding and tolerant.
And once again God came to my rescue by bringing me a wife that
is a highly skilled accountant. She more than makes up for my
inability to accurately crunch numbers.
Second, "love covers a multitude of sins". 1 Peter 4:8 Face it,
on occasion, in the interest of love, peace, and harmony, you just
have to allow non consequential glitches to ride past uncorrected.
Rubbing someone's face in a minor issue is not only humiliating
but creates resentment that demands retribution.
And as my friend Forrest Gump says, "And that's all I have to say
about that"
I couldn't sleep for a week before Christmas, eat up with anticipation.
To make it even more pathetic, I would tear around the scotch tape in
an effort to peak at my presents.
Of course, being the genius I am, it never crossed my mind that my folks
could detect the small tears in the wrapping paper.
In hindsight, I realize now that I wasn't near as subtle as I thought.
Every Christmas my presents looked like they were violated by a
steroid driven paper shredder.
My parents loved me enough to let me live with the delusion that
I got away with sneak'n peaks at my presents.
My parents were teaching me two life lessons.
First, choose your battles. 2 Chronicles 32:8 God works behind
the scenes bringing about success in areas we ought to leave alone.
Not every hill is worth dying on.
For instance, when it came to completing my math homework,
they were less understanding and tolerant.
And once again God came to my rescue by bringing me a wife that
is a highly skilled accountant. She more than makes up for my
inability to accurately crunch numbers.
Second, "love covers a multitude of sins". 1 Peter 4:8 Face it,
on occasion, in the interest of love, peace, and harmony, you just
have to allow non consequential glitches to ride past uncorrected.
Rubbing someone's face in a minor issue is not only humiliating
but creates resentment that demands retribution.
And as my friend Forrest Gump says, "And that's all I have to say
about that"
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Amazing Rewards from a Pet Rescue
A year ago, my pug (daffy) ran away.
We spent hundreds of hours searching for her, but to no avail.
As our pain turned from grieving to cherished memories,
Michele heard about "Seattle Pug Rescue". A veterinarian in Seattle
that handles the adoption of unwanted pugs,
We drove to Seattle and checked them out. It was heartbreaking.
There was about 14 happy, snorting, wiggling pugs of all colors and
ages. Michele's heart insisted we bring all 14 home and start a
"Pug Ranch". Which I confess, appealed to my impulse shopping weakness.
With tears in her eyes, Michele told me that I would have to make the
selection because she just couldn't do it.
There was an old mix breed pug sitting in the corner. He looked like the
kid at the orphanage that no one ever looked twice at.
His head hung low and he never made eye contact with me.
With tears in my eyes, I simply pointed at "Bubba" and said, "I will give
him a good home for his remaining years". We signed a couple papers and
put Bubba in the back seat of our car.
The Vet said that Bubba and his sister were adopted together by the same
owner about 10 years ago. Recently his sister died of cancer and he was
quietly abandoned.
He curled up with his face against the door and never moved. He just looked
lonley and depressed. I suspected he missed his sister.
We got home from Seattle and gave Bubba 4 acres to roam around on. He quickly
found all the love he ever needed from my wife, Michele. They are insepertable.
The first time I had to take Bubba to the vet for a check-up, he immediately thought
we were done with him and was going to take him away. He slowly backed up toward the
house with his head drooping. When he got to the house he looked defeated.
However, a year later, he is curled up in front of the fireplace with our old cat.
Life is good in Bubba's world.
He filled a hole in our hearts and restored joy in our home.
A heartfelt "Thank you" to the Seattle Pug Rescue for a job well done.
We spent hundreds of hours searching for her, but to no avail.
As our pain turned from grieving to cherished memories,
Michele heard about "Seattle Pug Rescue". A veterinarian in Seattle
that handles the adoption of unwanted pugs,
We drove to Seattle and checked them out. It was heartbreaking.
There was about 14 happy, snorting, wiggling pugs of all colors and
ages. Michele's heart insisted we bring all 14 home and start a
"Pug Ranch". Which I confess, appealed to my impulse shopping weakness.
With tears in her eyes, Michele told me that I would have to make the
selection because she just couldn't do it.
There was an old mix breed pug sitting in the corner. He looked like the
kid at the orphanage that no one ever looked twice at.
His head hung low and he never made eye contact with me.
With tears in my eyes, I simply pointed at "Bubba" and said, "I will give
him a good home for his remaining years". We signed a couple papers and
put Bubba in the back seat of our car.
The Vet said that Bubba and his sister were adopted together by the same
owner about 10 years ago. Recently his sister died of cancer and he was
quietly abandoned.
He curled up with his face against the door and never moved. He just looked
lonley and depressed. I suspected he missed his sister.
We got home from Seattle and gave Bubba 4 acres to roam around on. He quickly
found all the love he ever needed from my wife, Michele. They are insepertable.
The first time I had to take Bubba to the vet for a check-up, he immediately thought
we were done with him and was going to take him away. He slowly backed up toward the
house with his head drooping. When he got to the house he looked defeated.
However, a year later, he is curled up in front of the fireplace with our old cat.
Life is good in Bubba's world.
He filled a hole in our hearts and restored joy in our home.
A heartfelt "Thank you" to the Seattle Pug Rescue for a job well done.
Book Review: "The Troubled Church" by Darrin Yeager ~ a study in 1 Corinthians
As a pastor, I have spent years reading Bible commentaries. Most of them fall into one of two categories: First is a verse by verse expository study that focuses on the original languages, and the other is more of a devotional study that attempts to draw truth and application from the text. To study both affords balance to our understanding of God’s Word.
Darrin Yeager offers a wonderful book that has the best of both worlds. He offers a book that offers a comprehensive look at the culture, the problem being addresed, a verse by verse study, and a priceless application tool that reveals timeless truths for us to consider. Mr. Yeager has skillfully managed to guide us through a very difficult and often misunderstood passage. Mr. Yeager’s work has depth that will insure it is a valuable asset for many years to come.
Mr. Yeager offers a resource that is user-friendly. Pastor’s will benefit from the rich insights and applications offered in “A study in 1 Corinthians”. Laypersons will find enlightenment using this book as a daily devotional. Paul commands us in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.
Darrin Yeager offers a wonderful book that has the best of both worlds. He offers a book that offers a comprehensive look at the culture, the problem being addresed, a verse by verse study, and a priceless application tool that reveals timeless truths for us to consider. Mr. Yeager has skillfully managed to guide us through a very difficult and often misunderstood passage. Mr. Yeager’s work has depth that will insure it is a valuable asset for many years to come.
Mr. Yeager offers a resource that is user-friendly. Pastor’s will benefit from the rich insights and applications offered in “A study in 1 Corinthians”. Laypersons will find enlightenment using this book as a daily devotional. Paul commands us in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Unavoidable Question: "What do you believe about God?"
“Though God slay me, yet will I hope in him…” Job 13:15a
One of my favorite movie scenes is in Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail. The evil professor shoots Indiana Jones’ father (Sean Connery) and asks, “Dr. Jones, you must ask yourself, what do you believe?” If Indiana Jones believes in the Holy Grail and its healing powers, perhaps his father may live. It made for a very exciting movie.
Of course my 2nd most favorite scene is a few minutes later when the old Templar Knight mutters the timeless understatement, “He chose poorly”. I find myself quoting the old nameless Templar Knight as I watch people making decisions that will clearly end in a train wreck.
Each of us must make a decision on what we believe about God.
No one gets to abstain from this decision.
So look in a mirror and yourself these questions, “What do I spend the majority of the time thinking about?” and “What do I spend most of my money on?” and “When I am stressed, where do I go for strength and comfort?”
The answers to these questions will help reveal who the “god” of your life is.
Job’s faith had grown to the place where he trusted God with his life. Job would rather have his life rest in God’s hands than his own. Job knew that God’s unlimited wisdom and resources would always do what was best in every situation, even if that meant his death.
Welcome to the deep end of the pool.
This Pastor's Perspective on.... DECISIONS
I received so many comments and questions about “decisions” that I felt led to offer a few more guidelines.
The purpose for this BLOG is to do 2 things: (a) give you hope ~ God has a plan ~ He is never surprised or caught off guard; and (b) give you the tools you need to begin making decisions that God can approve of and bless ~ how often do we make selfish, shallow decisions, then blame God when they fail and turn out problematic for us.
Making Decisions God Approves
#1. Humility ~ Psalm 25:9
“He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them His way”#2. Holy Spirit ~ John 14:16
“He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive Him, but you know Him, because He lives with you now and later will be in you” #3. Faith ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take” #4. Wisdom ~ Proverbs 2:6-9
“For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk in integrity” #5. Fear God ~ Psalm 25:12-14
“Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose. They will live in prosperity, and their children will inherit the land. The Lord is a friend to those who fear Him. He teaches them His covenant.
#6. Guidance ~ John 16:13
“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future”
#7. Purpose ~ Philippians 2:13
“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him”
#8. Prayer ~ James 1:5-6
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone”
#9. Hope ~ Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. IF you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me”
#10. Life Master ~ Proverbs 16:9
“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps” (16:33) “we may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall”
Monday, December 19, 2011
What Exactly Does God Want From Me?
As I write this, in the recesses of my mind I can hear my dad saying,
"Because I told you so, that's why".
None of you ever heard your dad say, "You live in my house
then you will obey my rules".
In my dad's case, I never had to doubt what was on his mind.
Due to the severe economic downturn, I frequently have people ask,
"What exactly does God expect from me?"
"What does God want me to do?"
"I really want to obey God but I have no idea what He wants from me."
So the question is, "Is my dad a better communicator than God?"
So perhaps the question is, "How does God choose to communicate
with you?"
"Can you know what God wants you to do?"
Rather than wax eloquent and give you my opinions and thoughts,
I instead will share some of God's own Words and step aside while
He leads you to enlightenment and direction.
"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord.
"They are plans for good and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path"
Psalm 119:105
(Read His Words to you)
"But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative --
that is, the Holy Spirit -- He will teach you everything and will
remind you of everything I have told you". John 14:26
(Holy Spirit in you)
"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and he will give it
to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him,
be sure that your faith is in God alone". James 1:5
"Plans go wrong for lack of advice;
many advisers bring success". Proverbs 15:22
(spiritual friends to advise)
"And we know that God causes everying to work together for
The good of those who love God and are called according to
His purpose for them." Romans 8:28
(trust God to be God)
"Because I told you so, that's why".
None of you ever heard your dad say, "You live in my house
then you will obey my rules".
In my dad's case, I never had to doubt what was on his mind.
Due to the severe economic downturn, I frequently have people ask,
"What exactly does God expect from me?"
"What does God want me to do?"
"I really want to obey God but I have no idea what He wants from me."
So the question is, "Is my dad a better communicator than God?"
So perhaps the question is, "How does God choose to communicate
with you?"
"Can you know what God wants you to do?"
Rather than wax eloquent and give you my opinions and thoughts,
I instead will share some of God's own Words and step aside while
He leads you to enlightenment and direction.
"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord.
"They are plans for good and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path"
Psalm 119:105
(Read His Words to you)
"But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative --
that is, the Holy Spirit -- He will teach you everything and will
remind you of everything I have told you". John 14:26
(Holy Spirit in you)
"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and he will give it
to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him,
be sure that your faith is in God alone". James 1:5
"Plans go wrong for lack of advice;
many advisers bring success". Proverbs 15:22
(spiritual friends to advise)
"And we know that God causes everying to work together for
The good of those who love God and are called according to
His purpose for them." Romans 8:28
(trust God to be God)
Blindsided.... by an Oral Surgeon
Since I was a kid, going to the dentist was simply traumatic,
for me, for the dentist, for my parents, and anyone within earshot.
So you would think that as an adult, I would mature and grow out of that, right?
Not so much.
Which means that I habitually procrastinate going to the dentist until the tooth
is so far gone, can't be repaired.
You would think that I might learn from this pattern of failure, but no.
So at 5:30 am this morning I am making the 2 hour drive my see my oral surgeon.
The word for today boys and girls is, "angst".
Definition: a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity.
And I have a 2 hour drive to give my "angst" time to process and develop.
My dentist in Colville understands my "angst" and scheduled me to be "put to sleep"
during my extraction. He is a wise and understanding man.
However, due to my "angst", I purchased a Starbucks coffee to wash down my breakfast.
Again, you would think I would learn, but no.
The oral surgeon explained that I can't be "put to sleep" if I have eaten in the last 6 hours.
The oral surgeon was excellent. I have nothing to complain about.
And his amazing nurse is a young bride that I had the privilege of officiating her wedding
a couple summers ago. I was cared for like I was family.
Oh, and the blindside continues.
Since they couldn't "put me to sleep", it was cheaper by a third (give or take).
So my blindside was, my "angst" was all for not.
I spent hours fretting over something that never happened.
"Don't worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need,
and thank Him for all He has done.
Then you will experience God's peace,
which exceeds anything we can understand.
His peace will guard your hearts and minds
as you live in Christ Jesus"
Philippians 4:6-7
for me, for the dentist, for my parents, and anyone within earshot.
So you would think that as an adult, I would mature and grow out of that, right?
Not so much.
Which means that I habitually procrastinate going to the dentist until the tooth
is so far gone, can't be repaired.
You would think that I might learn from this pattern of failure, but no.
So at 5:30 am this morning I am making the 2 hour drive my see my oral surgeon.
The word for today boys and girls is, "angst".
Definition: a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity.
And I have a 2 hour drive to give my "angst" time to process and develop.
My dentist in Colville understands my "angst" and scheduled me to be "put to sleep"
during my extraction. He is a wise and understanding man.
However, due to my "angst", I purchased a Starbucks coffee to wash down my breakfast.
Again, you would think I would learn, but no.
The oral surgeon explained that I can't be "put to sleep" if I have eaten in the last 6 hours.
The oral surgeon was excellent. I have nothing to complain about.
And his amazing nurse is a young bride that I had the privilege of officiating her wedding
a couple summers ago. I was cared for like I was family.
Oh, and the blindside continues.
Since they couldn't "put me to sleep", it was cheaper by a third (give or take).
So my blindside was, my "angst" was all for not.
I spent hours fretting over something that never happened.
"Don't worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need,
and thank Him for all He has done.
Then you will experience God's peace,
which exceeds anything we can understand.
His peace will guard your hearts and minds
as you live in Christ Jesus"
Philippians 4:6-7
Saturday, December 17, 2011
This Pastor's Perspective.... Rod & Staff Comfort Me
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me" Psalm 23:4
The whole "rod & staff" thing has always left me twisting in the wind. I get what the "rod" does. We will call the rod PROTECTION. When the sheep are threatened by a predictor, the alert shepherd grabs his bat and charges in swinging.
However, the "staff" is for sheep.
When the shepherd wants to move the sheep, he uses the staff to poke and prod, to move the sheep out of their comfort zone. Some sheep need a more assertive prod than others. And some sheep just never seem to learn and the shepherd can anticipate which hammerheaded sheep will give him grief.
Since the shepherd knows the sheep better than anyone, he is well aware of how much prodding each sheep will require. In human terms, God uses circumstances, events, and people to prod us out of our comfort zone. If we do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always gotten. So God nudges us out of our comfort zone and into the light of His perfect plan for our life.
What determines how you respond to God's nudges, is determined by what you believe. If you believe God is good and always has your best interest at heart, then you take a leap of faith. If you doubt that God is good, then you rebel and impose your will. This requires God to use the Tazer end of His staff to get your attention.
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lse heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts as a son". Hebrews 12:5-6
The whole "rod & staff" thing has always left me twisting in the wind. I get what the "rod" does. We will call the rod PROTECTION. When the sheep are threatened by a predictor, the alert shepherd grabs his bat and charges in swinging.
However, the "staff" is for sheep.
When the shepherd wants to move the sheep, he uses the staff to poke and prod, to move the sheep out of their comfort zone. Some sheep need a more assertive prod than others. And some sheep just never seem to learn and the shepherd can anticipate which hammerheaded sheep will give him grief.
Since the shepherd knows the sheep better than anyone, he is well aware of how much prodding each sheep will require. In human terms, God uses circumstances, events, and people to prod us out of our comfort zone. If we do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always gotten. So God nudges us out of our comfort zone and into the light of His perfect plan for our life.
What determines how you respond to God's nudges, is determined by what you believe. If you believe God is good and always has your best interest at heart, then you take a leap of faith. If you doubt that God is good, then you rebel and impose your will. This requires God to use the Tazer end of His staff to get your attention.
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lse heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts as a son". Hebrews 12:5-6
Friday, December 16, 2011
This Pastor's Perspective..... Love
"come to Me all who are weary and burdened, and
I will give you rest". Mathew 11:28
Jesus always had time for people that needed Him.
He was comfortable around them and opened His heart
Jesus had no time for the religious people
Self Righteous
He called being around them "casting pearls before swine"
Jesus pointed out the the healthy have no need for a doctor
and He came to heal the sick.
I love that Jesus not only reached out to the hurting with
open arms but he gave them an invitation and with a kind smile
He sincerely said, "come".
I love that Jesus went out of His way to put Himself in a position
to meet people that needed Him. He didn't hide in the church office
and wait for people to come to Him.
I love that Jeaus had time for 1 person - a broken social outcast that
everyone else shunned. She needed Him and He went to where she was
and healed her spiritual pain.
I could go on but this was already pretty well written about in 4 books,
you know, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. They are in the Bible.
that book on your shelf collecting dust. It's more interesting than you
would expect. Start reading in Luke, it's the Christmas story. Careful,
you might have to reconsider some of your opinions.
God bless and keep you
Pastor Shane
I will give you rest". Mathew 11:28
Jesus always had time for people that needed Him.
He was comfortable around them and opened His heart
Jesus had no time for the religious people
Self Righteous
He called being around them "casting pearls before swine"
Jesus pointed out the the healthy have no need for a doctor
and He came to heal the sick.
I love that Jesus not only reached out to the hurting with
open arms but he gave them an invitation and with a kind smile
He sincerely said, "come".
I love that Jesus went out of His way to put Himself in a position
to meet people that needed Him. He didn't hide in the church office
and wait for people to come to Him.
I love that Jeaus had time for 1 person - a broken social outcast that
everyone else shunned. She needed Him and He went to where she was
and healed her spiritual pain.
I could go on but this was already pretty well written about in 4 books,
you know, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. They are in the Bible.
that book on your shelf collecting dust. It's more interesting than you
would expect. Start reading in Luke, it's the Christmas story. Careful,
you might have to reconsider some of your opinions.
God bless and keep you
Pastor Shane
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Less Like Scars by Sara Groves
It's been a hard year
But I'm climbing out of the rubble
These lessons are hard
Healing changes are subtle
But every day it's
Less like tearing, more like building
Less like captive, more like willing
Less like breakdown, more like surrender
Less like haunting, more like remember
Less like a prison, more like my room
It's less like a casket, more like a womb
Less like dying, more like transcending
Less like fear, less like an ending
And I feel you here
And you're picking up the pieces
Forever faithful
It seemed out of my hands, a bad situation
But you are able
And in your hands the pain and hurt
Look less like scars and more like
By Sara Groves from the album All Right Here
But I'm climbing out of the rubble
These lessons are hard
Healing changes are subtle
But every day it's
Less like tearing, more like building
Less like captive, more like willing
Less like breakdown, more like surrender
Less like haunting, more like remember
Less like a prison, more like my room
It's less like a casket, more like a womb
Less like dying, more like transcending
Less like fear, less like an ending
And I feel you here
And you're picking up the pieces
Forever faithful
It seemed out of my hands, a bad situation
But you are able
And in your hands the pain and hurt
Look less like scars and more like
By Sara Groves from the album All Right Here
God Never Wastes A Hurt
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us" 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When I was a child, my grandmother had a sign hanging in her kitchen that read, “Don't criticize a man till you've walked a mile in his moccasins”. Life has taught me a variation of that old saying, “After walking a mile in my friend’s moccasins, I am able to offer effective comfort and encouragement”.
I noticed that after I had back surgery and suffered a few years of chronic back pain, that now there is a special place in my heart for people suffering with back injuries.
I noticed that after losing both my grandmothers to cancer, that I can shed honest tears with those dealing with cancer.
I noticed that after raising a step child that I can stand shoulder to shoulder with a step parent dealing with parenting issues and offer encouragement and wisdom.
I noticed that after working in jail for 20 years, that I can effectively counsel people dealing with unhealthy decisions.
I noticed that after spending years making impulsive decisions without prayer or godly counsel, that I can now offer insight to those needing a second chance.
I could go on with this system of illustrations but the message is clear. God allows his children to go through difficult times in order to mature them, strengthen their faith, teach them gratitude, and equip them with empathy for those He leads into their path needing a godly influence.
“But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold” Job 23:10
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
This Pastor's Perspective.... Worship
As usual, I will summarize my thoughts into a bite-size summary that would better be served in volumes, written by masters far wiser than I.
Worship. Our severely confused and messed up world believes you can only worship inside a designated building with a steeple on the roof. And it is commonly accepted that worship is only offered in music. There is a touch of truth in that but, but it is far from a complete grasp of what God expects from His children.
True worship that brings a smile to the majestic face of God Almighty is offered every moment of every day. This is clearly explained in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "and whatever you do in word or deed, do all to the glory of God".
We are called to practice worship every moment of every day in everything we do.
God is not dazzled by shallow religious pomp and circumstance. Psalm 51:16-17 "God desires not sacrifice or I would bring it; You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, oh God, is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart you, God, will not despise".
My point is this, every moment of every day, God will take pleasure in your honest and humble attitude before Him. You must not disconnect from God as you exit the church building.
My final shot at this is that God intimately knows the motivations of your heart. If you worship God on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, then your heart will be properly groomed to continue worship very naturally on Sunday.
So if you find Sunday worship cold and shallow, carefully examine your worship schedule. If it is full every day of the week, then your heart will approach Sundays with a heart of gratitude and humility before God and He will find delight in your worship.
If you approach Sunday with a cold critical spirit then the Holy Spirit is going to be "quenched" and your worship will cause God to raise His eyebrows in question.
God bless you
Pastor Shane
Worship. Our severely confused and messed up world believes you can only worship inside a designated building with a steeple on the roof. And it is commonly accepted that worship is only offered in music. There is a touch of truth in that but, but it is far from a complete grasp of what God expects from His children.
True worship that brings a smile to the majestic face of God Almighty is offered every moment of every day. This is clearly explained in 1 Corinthians 10:31, "and whatever you do in word or deed, do all to the glory of God".
We are called to practice worship every moment of every day in everything we do.
God is not dazzled by shallow religious pomp and circumstance. Psalm 51:16-17 "God desires not sacrifice or I would bring it; You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, oh God, is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart you, God, will not despise".
My point is this, every moment of every day, God will take pleasure in your honest and humble attitude before Him. You must not disconnect from God as you exit the church building.
My final shot at this is that God intimately knows the motivations of your heart. If you worship God on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, then your heart will be properly groomed to continue worship very naturally on Sunday.
So if you find Sunday worship cold and shallow, carefully examine your worship schedule. If it is full every day of the week, then your heart will approach Sundays with a heart of gratitude and humility before God and He will find delight in your worship.
If you approach Sunday with a cold critical spirit then the Holy Spirit is going to be "quenched" and your worship will cause God to raise His eyebrows in question.
God bless you
Pastor Shane
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Rough Storms
My friend Shauna had a FaceBook post that I loved, “sometimes God calms His child and sometimes God calms the storm”.
Bottom line: In God’s presence we should not be afraid.
As I read Shauna’s post, my mind was transported to a boat being thrashed around in a terrible storm. “Then He got into the boat and His disciples followed Him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm" Matthew 8:23-27
Before God calms the rough storms of our life, He takes the opportunity to build our faith. Pastor Rick Warren often reminds us that God is more interested in building our character than our happiness. Jesus was fully aware of both the storm and their fear. So, He used this as a teachable moment. Jesus taught His followers that part of life is sailing in storms. He then pulled back the curtain and gave them a God perspective moment and taught them that He nature obeys His every command.
If God were to calm us first, then our faith will not grow because we would trust either luck or circumstances. Bottom line: In God’s presence we should not be afraid.
“When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze”
Isaiah 43:2I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze”
Devotional Book Review: "Your Average Joe" by Joseph D. Schneller
Your Average Joe Unplugged offers a refreshing blend of honesty and humility in this daily devotional. There is no substitute for real world life experience when addressing the doubt and struggles we all face. Average Joe is brave enough to step into the limelight and expose doubt and fears. After drawing the reader in with honest vulnerability, Your Average Joe then has the wisdom to offer refreshment and hope from God’s Word.
One of my favorite observations of Average Joe is “Your Today’s Encouragement”. This offers both practical application and a spiritual growth moment. It is like Your Average Joe offers you a cup of coffee and says, “Ok, now you understand what God has for you, what are you going to do with it?”
Your Average Joe has a finger on the pulse of the American public and that is revealed in his careful writing of “Today’s Prayer”. Many Americans struggle with prayer. Your Average Joe offers prayers that effectively voice being tired, worn out, beaten up, and discouraged. Then the prayer gently shifts to recognition of God’s grace and mercy. There are layers of truth and encouragement written into each prayer. By the time you finish the Your Average Joe 30 day devotional, you will know God better and have a more clear understanding of how much He loves you.
"I'm Sorry"
How long has it been since someone apologized to you and it seemed genuine?
More often than not, the words, “I’m sorry” is followed by words that excuse away all guilt.
I have experienced apologies that felt like they were written by attorneys.
“My request for your forgiveness is in no way an admission of guilt or responsibility on my behalf and any restitution required may negate this apology pending review by a biased party of my choosing”.
"If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you"
Matthew 6:14
More often than not, the words, “I’m sorry” is followed by words that excuse away all guilt.
I have experienced apologies that felt like they were written by attorneys.
“My request for your forgiveness is in no way an admission of guilt or responsibility on my behalf and any restitution required may negate this apology pending review by a biased party of my choosing”.
So the acronym B.E.D. may help you avoid sounding insincere and shallow next time you have to humbly utter the words, “I’m sorry”.
Avoid B.E.D. Blame
"If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you"
Matthew 6:14
Thoughts on "good deeds"
Its official, we are in the midst of the holiday season.
You know its official because the Salvation Army bell ringers have converged on the WalMart.
Some people look for snow, others for Santa, I look for the Salvation Army bell ringers.
So in keeping with the holiday theme and our commitment to step out of our comfort zone and help someone in need, we are faced with a new question, "WHO?" How do you know who to help?
If you are like me, then your resources are limited.
If helping a junkie get his much needed fix, is outside your comfort zone, then how do you know who to help and who to pass by?
I have struggled with this for years and I believe God nudged me in a healthy direction. So consider this.
We are here on this spinning rock for the purpose of fulfilling God's purpose. I know that is vague but I didn't want to get sidetracked so I stayed with a concept that is hard to dispute.
From God's perspective, you and I are His workers, tasked with doing the good works He selects for us to do. "For we are God's masterpiece, He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10
As my wise wifey likes to say, "A gift is just that ~ a gift ~ no strings attached."
I leave you with this thought, "Your good deed is a gesture of love that God will use as He sees fit".
I had a friend that used to walk through Chicago's O'Hare Airport and put quarters in the pay phones coin return slots. Then he would stand back and watch people's faces as they, without thought, finished their call and stuck their finger in the coin return slot and, low and behold, found a quarter. The positive affect was visible and immediately apparent in the face of the weary traveler.
The KEY to grasping God's perspective on our "good deeds" is to remember 1 Corinthians 3:6, "I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow".
God will take your "good deed" and works in ways far beyond anything you would ever image to touch someones life.
"Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think" Ephesians 3:20
Monday, December 12, 2011
Monday Morning
It is early Monday morning.
The fire is roaring in the wood stove.
My freshly ground coffee nudges me awake.
Christmas tree lights provide the only lumination.
My old guitar softly strums a random cord or two.
A small herd of deer paw at the ground in search of breakfast.
A grumpy pug is nestled on my lap, contently snoring.
My mind refuses to engage today's busy schedule.
It seems time has stopped in this perfect moment.
This moment refuses to be rushed and demands my undivided peace of mind.
A single thought prevails, "Well done God, well done indeed".
"This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it". Psalm 118:24
The fire is roaring in the wood stove.
My freshly ground coffee nudges me awake.
Christmas tree lights provide the only lumination.
My old guitar softly strums a random cord or two.
A small herd of deer paw at the ground in search of breakfast.
A grumpy pug is nestled on my lap, contently snoring.
My mind refuses to engage today's busy schedule.
It seems time has stopped in this perfect moment.
This moment refuses to be rushed and demands my undivided peace of mind.
A single thought prevails, "Well done God, well done indeed".
"This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it". Psalm 118:24
Sunday, December 11, 2011
This Pastor's Perspective
You are familiar with the "word association" game?
I say a word and without thinking, you say the first word that comes to your mind.
I say, "Christmas" and you say "_____________"
This simple game reveals the impact our society has had on you.
At the risk of sounding cynical, the WalMart Christmas mentality, grooms you to expect a large pile of "made in China" gifts that will provide you with plenty of yard sale inventory.
Ok, that came off more snarky than I anticipated but it is a good setup for my conclusion.
So ask yourself this, "What would I like to receive for Christmas that I need?"
If you are like most Americans, if you want something, you run to the WalMart and get it. So, how do you buy gifts for people that pretty much have everything they need and want?
I want a group of rebels to join me. Rebels that are open minded enough to redefine Christmas.
From my perspective, I want Christmas to last 365 days. Relax. I am not suggesting a year long subscription to the "Gift of the Day Club".
This is a rough draft, but our motto should be, "I will meet someone's need everyday in 2012".
The Good Lord will guide people to you every day, if you are generous with the resources He has already given you. God doesn't reward stingy, grumpy servants.
'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much" Matthew 25:23
"God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Corinthians 9:7
I say a word and without thinking, you say the first word that comes to your mind.
I say, "Christmas" and you say "_____________"
This simple game reveals the impact our society has had on you.
At the risk of sounding cynical, the WalMart Christmas mentality, grooms you to expect a large pile of "made in China" gifts that will provide you with plenty of yard sale inventory.
Ok, that came off more snarky than I anticipated but it is a good setup for my conclusion.
So ask yourself this, "What would I like to receive for Christmas that I need?"
If you are like most Americans, if you want something, you run to the WalMart and get it. So, how do you buy gifts for people that pretty much have everything they need and want?
I want a group of rebels to join me. Rebels that are open minded enough to redefine Christmas.
From my perspective, I want Christmas to last 365 days. Relax. I am not suggesting a year long subscription to the "Gift of the Day Club".
This is a rough draft, but our motto should be, "I will meet someone's need everyday in 2012".
The Good Lord will guide people to you every day, if you are generous with the resources He has already given you. God doesn't reward stingy, grumpy servants.
'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much" Matthew 25:23
"God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Corinthians 9:7
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Christmas Lights
Yup, it's the Christmas season.
Love it or dread it, it still rolls around as regularly as Mondays.
My wife mentioned that we needed a Christmas tree this year. Since we haven't put one up in a decade, I glibly suggested that WalMart has 3 foot artificial trees on sale. My sweetie mentioned that a natural tree was needed. So I grabbed my trusty hatchet and wandered up the hill behind my house in search of the elusive Charlie Brown Christmas tree. After hacking down a small pine, I visited the WalMart for lights and tree stuff.
As is was doing my bit to boost China's economy by shopping at the WalMart, I realized Christmas tree lights reminded me of Genesis 1:3-4, God said, "Let there be light" and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness".
Wrap your head around this, God didnt create the sun until 4 days later, after he created plant life. God provided everything plants needed to live before there was a sun. How cool is that?
God spoke and there was light. And the light pushed back darkness and sustained the new life.
One of my most favorite things to do, is get up about 3 in the morning, sit in my chair and watch the Christmas tree lights. The glowing lights push back the darkness and give me hope for a new year. A new beginning to right wrongs. A new beginning to learn from mistakes. A new beginning to reach out to those in need.
So as you look at your Christmas tree lights, remember the bright star over Bethleham that guided the wisemen to Jesus. Gods light providing direction.
John 8:12 "Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"
Love it or dread it, it still rolls around as regularly as Mondays.
My wife mentioned that we needed a Christmas tree this year. Since we haven't put one up in a decade, I glibly suggested that WalMart has 3 foot artificial trees on sale. My sweetie mentioned that a natural tree was needed. So I grabbed my trusty hatchet and wandered up the hill behind my house in search of the elusive Charlie Brown Christmas tree. After hacking down a small pine, I visited the WalMart for lights and tree stuff.
As is was doing my bit to boost China's economy by shopping at the WalMart, I realized Christmas tree lights reminded me of Genesis 1:3-4, God said, "Let there be light" and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness".
Wrap your head around this, God didnt create the sun until 4 days later, after he created plant life. God provided everything plants needed to live before there was a sun. How cool is that?
God spoke and there was light. And the light pushed back darkness and sustained the new life.
One of my most favorite things to do, is get up about 3 in the morning, sit in my chair and watch the Christmas tree lights. The glowing lights push back the darkness and give me hope for a new year. A new beginning to right wrongs. A new beginning to learn from mistakes. A new beginning to reach out to those in need.
So as you look at your Christmas tree lights, remember the bright star over Bethleham that guided the wisemen to Jesus. Gods light providing direction.
John 8:12 "Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"
Friday, December 9, 2011
Our Journey Through Proverbs chapter 5
"For your ways are in full view of the LORD, and He examines all your paths"
Proverbs 5:21
I live a couple miles from a small fishing lake. The lake water is very cold, so the rainbow trout is firm and tasty. I am not much of a fisherman, but once in a while I feel the need to drown a worm. Last time I was at the lake fishing, the Elk were bugling and Bald Headed Eagles were competing with me for trout. God did an amazing piece of work when He fashioned this beautiful mountain lake. I have observed that once I have a trout on my line, it will take off and run for the deep waters. Someday, someone will have to explain to me why we say that "fish run", but that is for another day. So my fish will continue to dive and run until it is exhausted. Once it is exhausted from all its efforts, the fish is ready to be reeled in. I often wonder if the fish believes it is outsmarting me with all its darting around. I wonder if the fish thinks I will get distracted and forget to reel it in. Or maybe the fish is an atheist of sorts and has decided that fishermen do not exist.
Our verse in Proverbs has a positive and a negative flavor. If you are making decisions that God approves of, then you don't mind God looking over your shoulder and examining your life. On the other hand, if you are selfish and shallow, then, self deception might be the way to go. Like my fish, people that are rebellious to God's plan, try to outrun Him. Or they try to stay in dark places, believing that God would never think to look for them in high weeds. Perhaps the most sad scenario are people that fool themselves by simply denying that God exists (Psalm 14:1, Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.”).
Perhaps I should have titled this blog, "The Parable of the Fish". I can picture Jesus standing by the Sea of Galilee, watching the waves lap up against the sand. Noticing the fishing boats jockeying for position in an effort to find the lucky spot for today's catch. And with a gentle sweep of His hand toward the water, hearing Him say, "A man went out to catch a fish...." Or maybe He did use this parable but it went into the "unrecorded" bin (John 21:25, "Jesus did many other things as well. If everyone of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."
Proverbs 5:21
I live a couple miles from a small fishing lake. The lake water is very cold, so the rainbow trout is firm and tasty. I am not much of a fisherman, but once in a while I feel the need to drown a worm. Last time I was at the lake fishing, the Elk were bugling and Bald Headed Eagles were competing with me for trout. God did an amazing piece of work when He fashioned this beautiful mountain lake. I have observed that once I have a trout on my line, it will take off and run for the deep waters. Someday, someone will have to explain to me why we say that "fish run", but that is for another day. So my fish will continue to dive and run until it is exhausted. Once it is exhausted from all its efforts, the fish is ready to be reeled in. I often wonder if the fish believes it is outsmarting me with all its darting around. I wonder if the fish thinks I will get distracted and forget to reel it in. Or maybe the fish is an atheist of sorts and has decided that fishermen do not exist.
Our verse in Proverbs has a positive and a negative flavor. If you are making decisions that God approves of, then you don't mind God looking over your shoulder and examining your life. On the other hand, if you are selfish and shallow, then, self deception might be the way to go. Like my fish, people that are rebellious to God's plan, try to outrun Him. Or they try to stay in dark places, believing that God would never think to look for them in high weeds. Perhaps the most sad scenario are people that fool themselves by simply denying that God exists (Psalm 14:1, Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.”).
Perhaps I should have titled this blog, "The Parable of the Fish". I can picture Jesus standing by the Sea of Galilee, watching the waves lap up against the sand. Noticing the fishing boats jockeying for position in an effort to find the lucky spot for today's catch. And with a gentle sweep of His hand toward the water, hearing Him say, "A man went out to catch a fish...." Or maybe He did use this parable but it went into the "unrecorded" bin (John 21:25, "Jesus did many other things as well. If everyone of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."
Thursday, December 8, 2011
The Christian Life
We are the only Bibles the careless world will read
We are the sinners Gospel
We are the scoffers creed
We are the Lord's last message
Given in word and deed
What if the type is crooked?
What if the print is blurred?
By Annie Flint
D.L.Moody once said, "a holy life will produce the deepest I pression. Lighthouses blow no horns, they just shine"
We are the sinners Gospel
We are the scoffers creed
We are the Lord's last message
Given in word and deed
What if the type is crooked?
What if the print is blurred?
By Annie Flint
D.L.Moody once said, "a holy life will produce the deepest I pression. Lighthouses blow no horns, they just shine"
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
What Makes God Smile?
What Makes God Smile?
"so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10:31
#1. Confessing your sin brings glory to God
"my son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, by telling the truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don't hide it from me" Joshua 7:19
#2. Faith brings glory to God
"Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God" Romans 4:20
#3. Bearing fruit brings glory to God
"When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father"
John 15:8
NOTE: "bearing fruit" is the product of the Holy Spirit working in your life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control ~ Galatians 5:22-23)
#4. Giving Thanks brings glory to God
"giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me" Psalm 50:23
#5. Prayer brings glory to God
"You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father"
John 14:13
"so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God"
1 Corinthians 10:31
#1. Confessing your sin brings glory to God
"my son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, by telling the truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don't hide it from me" Joshua 7:19
#2. Faith brings glory to God
"Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God" Romans 4:20
#3. Bearing fruit brings glory to God
"When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father"
John 15:8
NOTE: "bearing fruit" is the product of the Holy Spirit working in your life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control ~ Galatians 5:22-23)
#4. Giving Thanks brings glory to God
"giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me" Psalm 50:23
#5. Prayer brings glory to God
"You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father"
John 14:13
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Our Journey Through Proverbs Chapter 4
"Look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet: stay on the safe path. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil" Proverbs 4:25-27
Remember playing "Tag" when you were a kid?
Remember running for "base" when someone was about to tag you!
Remember that they could not get you if you were protected by touching base?
Well, Proverbs 4 reminds me of that game of tag. As long as you stayed close to base, you were safe and no one could tag you out. However, if you got distracted and didn't pay attention, you found yourself sitting on he sidelines watching everyone else still playing.
Satan knows how to distract you. He has had thousands of years of practice. He knows what bait will turn your head. And to make it worse, James says we are drawn into temptation by our own desires. So we are walking through a mine field and our spiritual health depends on up keeping our eyes only on things that delight God.
So my question for today is, "When you look down at your toes, where are they taking you? Somewhere that makes God smile or somewhere that makes God cringe?"
Pastor Shane
Remember playing "Tag" when you were a kid?
Remember running for "base" when someone was about to tag you!
Remember that they could not get you if you were protected by touching base?
Well, Proverbs 4 reminds me of that game of tag. As long as you stayed close to base, you were safe and no one could tag you out. However, if you got distracted and didn't pay attention, you found yourself sitting on he sidelines watching everyone else still playing.
Satan knows how to distract you. He has had thousands of years of practice. He knows what bait will turn your head. And to make it worse, James says we are drawn into temptation by our own desires. So we are walking through a mine field and our spiritual health depends on up keeping our eyes only on things that delight God.
So my question for today is, "When you look down at your toes, where are they taking you? Somewhere that makes God smile or somewhere that makes God cringe?"
Pastor Shane
5 Church Promises.....
5 Promises Every Church Should Make
We Promise to make Jesus Christ the center of all we do.
We Promise to be a loving atmosphere that includes everybody.
We Promise to provide great biblical tools so you and your family can grow.
We Promise to operate all of our business affairs with integrity and openness.
We Promise to be a generous church that blesses our community and world.
We Promise to make Jesus Christ the center of all we do.
We Promise to be a loving atmosphere that includes everybody.
We Promise to provide great biblical tools so you and your family can grow.
We Promise to operate all of our business affairs with integrity and openness.
We Promise to be a generous church that blesses our community and world.
Christian Manhood Mission Statement
Christian Manhood Mission Statement
To love my brother as myself
To consider him as more important to me than I am
I believe it is my responsibility to help my brother when he falls
To restore him in love to his greatest potential
It is my responsibility to build him up
I am to encourage him
I am to pray for him
I am to hold him accountable and be held accountable by him
It is my responsibility to sing his praises
I am to believe in him
I am to draw out the gifts God has placed in him
I am to help him develop the full promise that God sees in him
I will work to sharpen my brother’s countenance
Monday, December 5, 2011
My lifelong friend passed away this evening
"The Lord cares deeply when His loved ones die" Psalm 116:15
My heart and prayers go out to the family of my friend. She was kind, gentle and lived for her family. Tonight, they are suffering a terrible sense of loss.
Grieve Not For Me
Grieve not for me nor mourn the while ,
For happier would I be to see you smile
Let not tears fall since I have passed away
But miss me & remember me each day
Live your lives , as I would want you to
And treat your fellow man as I would do
And when the time has come , your lives be through
I shall be waiting here for each of you
My heart and prayers go out to the family of my friend. She was kind, gentle and lived for her family. Tonight, they are suffering a terrible sense of loss.
Grieve Not For Me
Grieve not for me nor mourn the while ,
For happier would I be to see you smile
Let not tears fall since I have passed away
But miss me & remember me each day
Live your lives , as I would want you to
And treat your fellow man as I would do
And when the time has come , your lives be through
I shall be waiting here for each of you
Monday Morning Prayer....
"Lord, there is a lot of my plate this week. Please help me to keep things in perspective, remain calm and positive. The Christmas season tends to make me impatient and snarky. So as you bring Your daily blessings to my mind, I will keep my thoughts and opinions on things that You approve of. And please give me fresh eyes to see those in need around me. Whether they need a helping hand financially, emotionally or spiritually, please make me aware of their need and soften my heart. Thank You for living in my heart and life. Amen."
Isaiah 26:3
"You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!"
Isaiah 26:3
"You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!"
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Our Journey Through Proverbs 3
"My child, don't reject the Lords discipline, and don't be upset when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a Father corrects a child in whom He delights" Proverbs 3:10-11
Yesterday an old army buddy I served with in Panama contacted me on FaceBook. When he stumbled on my name, his thoughts traveled down paths of mistakes long forgotten. When I told him I was a pastor and happily married, he immediately apologized for bringing up memories of partying and foolishness that revealed our immaturity.
My initial reaction was to laugh it off and chalk it up to stupidity run amuck. However as we talked and I reflected on my life journey, I realized that no matter how far I wandered, I never escaped Gods love. Suddenly I was not proud of my immature behavior, but I was honored by the work God accomplished in my life. The Apostle Paul said, "In my weakness, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). God took the problematic areas in my life that brought me shame and heartache and transformed those areas into attributes that bring Him delight. How cool is that?
God loves me enough to use circumstances, events and people to transform me into the very best model of me that He designed me to be. And God will continue to transform me (Philippians 1:6) into a person that lives a life that gives Him delight.
Yesterday an old army buddy I served with in Panama contacted me on FaceBook. When he stumbled on my name, his thoughts traveled down paths of mistakes long forgotten. When I told him I was a pastor and happily married, he immediately apologized for bringing up memories of partying and foolishness that revealed our immaturity.
My initial reaction was to laugh it off and chalk it up to stupidity run amuck. However as we talked and I reflected on my life journey, I realized that no matter how far I wandered, I never escaped Gods love. Suddenly I was not proud of my immature behavior, but I was honored by the work God accomplished in my life. The Apostle Paul said, "In my weakness, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). God took the problematic areas in my life that brought me shame and heartache and transformed those areas into attributes that bring Him delight. How cool is that?
God loves me enough to use circumstances, events and people to transform me into the very best model of me that He designed me to be. And God will continue to transform me (Philippians 1:6) into a person that lives a life that gives Him delight.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Our Journey Through Proverbs chapter 2
"Follow the steps of good men instead, and stay on the paths of righteousness". Proverbs 2:20 NLT
I spent most of my adult life working in jail. My dad used to joke that if I was going to be in jail, then I should at least get paid for it. Dad was correct, and the jail provided finances for my family while I went to Bible college, for that I am grateful.
Working in jail provided me an opportunity to observe people in terrible situations and great stress. Usually they followed a set pattern of bad decisions that insured they would sink further into the system until escape was all but impossible. However, on occasion, one of my customers would experience God on a life changing basis and begin walking down a different path. I would pray for them and observe to see if they could survive outside of jail.
90% of them went back to their old negative criminal lifestyle and within a year, wound up back in jail.
So the question is, "Why do criminals find it so hard to stay on the right path after they get out of jail?"
The answer is simple. When an inmate steps out the jail door a free man, he has a choice. Who will he choose to spend time with? The answer to this will determine his fate.
And after a 20 years of studying this, I came to realize that the inmate probably has fewer options than it seems. Ask yourself this, "How many Christians want to mentor a criminal fresh out of prison?" How wise is it for a Christian to bring home a felon right out of prison?
The truth is, the dark sinful world is waiting with open arms to welcome their long lost brother back into then criminal society, no questions asked. The draw of the world is very strong and the decision is as natural as a fish floating downstream with the current.
So to make this a practical blog, I am obligated to conclude with a question, "As you examine your selection of friends, which path does it reveal you are traveling?"
I spent most of my adult life working in jail. My dad used to joke that if I was going to be in jail, then I should at least get paid for it. Dad was correct, and the jail provided finances for my family while I went to Bible college, for that I am grateful.
Working in jail provided me an opportunity to observe people in terrible situations and great stress. Usually they followed a set pattern of bad decisions that insured they would sink further into the system until escape was all but impossible. However, on occasion, one of my customers would experience God on a life changing basis and begin walking down a different path. I would pray for them and observe to see if they could survive outside of jail.
90% of them went back to their old negative criminal lifestyle and within a year, wound up back in jail.
So the question is, "Why do criminals find it so hard to stay on the right path after they get out of jail?"
The answer is simple. When an inmate steps out the jail door a free man, he has a choice. Who will he choose to spend time with? The answer to this will determine his fate.
And after a 20 years of studying this, I came to realize that the inmate probably has fewer options than it seems. Ask yourself this, "How many Christians want to mentor a criminal fresh out of prison?" How wise is it for a Christian to bring home a felon right out of prison?
The truth is, the dark sinful world is waiting with open arms to welcome their long lost brother back into then criminal society, no questions asked. The draw of the world is very strong and the decision is as natural as a fish floating downstream with the current.
So to make this a practical blog, I am obligated to conclude with a question, "As you examine your selection of friends, which path does it reveal you are traveling?"
Friday, December 2, 2011
Clinging to Hope
Depending on which news channel I invest an hour of my life watching, I either come away convinced that Mr. Rogers and his light blue sweater is blanketing the region with feel-good human interest stories or I experience shell shock from the doomsday prophets and need PTSD counseling.
Which led My wifey to take away my jar of Sharpies because I kept drawing up picket signs proclaiming "The End is Near". Finally the good Lord flipped my Bible open to Psalms 27:13, "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living".
God reached down and took the TV remote control out of my hand and with a kind smile said, "Relax, I have this".
This simple fact allows me to stop feeling that I have to control everything and just work at what God puts on my plate. I just need an occasional reminder that God is the parent and my role is to be His child.
So this evening I step back and with confidence, thank God for His goodness.
Pastor Shane
Which led My wifey to take away my jar of Sharpies because I kept drawing up picket signs proclaiming "The End is Near". Finally the good Lord flipped my Bible open to Psalms 27:13, "I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living".
God reached down and took the TV remote control out of my hand and with a kind smile said, "Relax, I have this".
This simple fact allows me to stop feeling that I have to control everything and just work at what God puts on my plate. I just need an occasional reminder that God is the parent and my role is to be His child.
So this evening I step back and with confidence, thank God for His goodness.
Pastor Shane
Good Morning Lord
Psalm 19:14 NLT
"May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer"
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer"
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Our Journey Through Proverbs
"if sinners entice you, turn your back on them!" Proverbs 1:10 NLT
Decisions. Every day each person breathing air is faced with decisions.
Often the unhealthy decision is very appealing and attractive.
God told Adam and Eve not to eat of 1 tree in His vast garden.
When they looked at the 1 forbidden tree, they found it enticing.
Genesis 3:6, the tree was (a) beautiful; (b) delicious; (c) would
give her wisdom.
Is it wrong to enjoy something beautiful that God created?
Is it wrong to taste something delicious that God created?
Is it wrong to desire wisdom?
So what was the big deal?
Simply put, God said "no".
And as His children, we must obey our Heavenly Father, even when it
Doesn't make sense. If we decide to go against God's command, we follow
In our parents, Adam and Eve's footsteps.
Adam and Eve decided that they wanted to be as smart as God and decide for
Themselves what was right and wrong for them.
In reality, they were placing themselves above God by assuming the role of
Judge to determine what they wanted to do and believe.
They chose to be rebellious and followed their pride into a terrible decision.
So please journey with me through Proverbs and learn God's thoughts on decisions.
I'm praying for you,
Pastor Shane
Decisions. Every day each person breathing air is faced with decisions.
Often the unhealthy decision is very appealing and attractive.
God told Adam and Eve not to eat of 1 tree in His vast garden.
When they looked at the 1 forbidden tree, they found it enticing.
Genesis 3:6, the tree was (a) beautiful; (b) delicious; (c) would
give her wisdom.
Is it wrong to enjoy something beautiful that God created?
Is it wrong to taste something delicious that God created?
Is it wrong to desire wisdom?
So what was the big deal?
Simply put, God said "no".
And as His children, we must obey our Heavenly Father, even when it
Doesn't make sense. If we decide to go against God's command, we follow
In our parents, Adam and Eve's footsteps.
Adam and Eve decided that they wanted to be as smart as God and decide for
Themselves what was right and wrong for them.
In reality, they were placing themselves above God by assuming the role of
Judge to determine what they wanted to do and believe.
They chose to be rebellious and followed their pride into a terrible decision.
So please journey with me through Proverbs and learn God's thoughts on decisions.
I'm praying for you,
Pastor Shane
December 1, 2011 Welcome to my new BLOG
As I type this, the Seattle SeaHawks are playing the Philadelphia Eagles. I had officially wrote off the SeaHawks this year and the NFL talking-heads had officially named the Eagles post season contenders. Obviously we were both wrong. My question for tonight is "Why do professional athletes make millions upon millions of dollars each year, when average hard working Americans are struggling just to survive?"
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