
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Whoa Nelly

Whoa Nelly

A few months ago, my wonderful wife bought me a KEURIG coffee builder. 

It makes the perfect cup of coffee every single time. Life is good.

Well, our well water is hard and has a lot of minerals in it ~
this plugs up the lines in my KEURIG.

I noticed that my coffee has been coming out slower and slower. 
So I purchased a bottle of a solution that would clean out the stuff plugging my coffee builder. 

Good plan ~ right????

Well, I pretty much followed the directions on the back of the bottle. 

In hindsight, perhaps did take a shortcut here and there. 
It was a very busy day and I was in a hurry. 

This morning I stumble down the hall at 4 am to let the dogs out and build me a cup of perfect coffee in my KEURIG. 

Dogs get done and come back in the house ~ I reach for the perfect up of coffee and…. that was nasty enough to make the pope cuss. 

Apparently I failed to run enough water through the system to clean out all the cleaner.  My grandmother used to say, “Whoa Nelly” when something tasted unexpected horrific.  Well, this was a “Whoa Nelly” moment. 

And to add insult to injury ~ it just sucks when you are the only one home and there is no one to blame when something goes wrong.

Can you believe there is a Bible verse that talks about this?

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity,
    but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.
Proverbs 21:5 NLT

Shortcuts are always short sighted and fail to get done what you expect. 

The Bible says, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him” Genesis 6:22.

To experience health and success in this life,
you must do things exactly as God tells you to do them.

To do this, you MUST crack open HIS BOOK and spend time getting to know our good Lord.  There simply are no shortcuts. 

“Heavenly Father, I confess my sin of lacking discipline and trying to achieve success on my own terms and not waiting on You. 
Father, I know You have a perfect plan and a perfect time-table in which to accomplish Your plan in my life.  Please teach me to be content to wait on You. In Your Son’s Name, Amen.”

1 comment:

  1. Oh, isn't this the truth! Thank you pastor! I hope your Keurig is all good now.
    - Nicole
