
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Heart Strings

Today I spent an hour with a kind Christian man that has survived over 80 winters.  As we sat in silence, he eventually mentioned that his wife passed away a “few years ago”. 

It was obvious that he was wrestling with some heavy load on his heart. And since he tends to be a very private person, I simply sat in silence until he seemed to find a comfortable path that would express his thoughts. 

The other day, I was going through some boxes and found my wife’s old Bible.” 

As his eyes filled with tears, I again sat in silence, careful not to intrude on the sacred ground of his cherished memories.  Finally he muttered, “There were letters – letters she wrote to me – hidden between the pages”. 

As his eyes filled with tears, he watched me closely for assurance that I was respecting his memories.

Slowly he pulled back the curtain of his heart and let me glimpse the deep love his deceased wife had for him. 

Apparently as his wife battled terminal cancer, she wrote her husband letters, expressing her deep love and admiration for her sweetheart. 

In a stroke of compassion, she hid the letters between the pages of her old Bible.  She knew her sweetheart would be devastated by her death but she also knew that the good Lord would lead him to her old Bible when he needed strength and encouragement the most.   

My heart tells me that any further comments on this, would be treading on holy ground.  So I will conclude my blog tonight with a couple Bible verses:

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.  Ephesians 4:2

 Love is patient and kind
Love isn’t jealous or boastful
Love isn’t arrogant or rude
Love doesn’t insist on having it’s own way
Love isn’t irritable or resentful
Love doesn’t rejoice at wrong; but in the right
Love bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things
I Corinthians 13:4-7

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