
Friday, February 24, 2012

The Odds

I talk for a living.

"Too much talk leads to sin.
Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.
Proverbs 10:19

I realize that for every word that comes out of my mouth, it increases the odds that I will either offend someone or that someone will take what I say the wrong way.

Last year in a Bible study I was teaching, I was asked where I stood on a very controversial issue that is in the news on a daily basis.

I considered my options, asked the good Lord for wisdom and guidance and decided to use this question as a "teaching moment".

I talked for 15 minutes explaining some foundational background material that needed to be considered before drawing a conclusion. Then I moved into a few Bible verses that serve as "proof texts" in establishing a God pleasing conclusion to the question.

Except.... apparently everyone went to sleep somewhere along the line.

When I was finished and quite proud of myself for connecting all the dots. The same gentleman that asked the original question, raised his hand and repeated the question, word for word.

Hindsight revealed that I should have kept my answer direct and clear.

My first reaction was to express frustration. However, the good Lord saved my job by flashing Proverbs 10:19 to my angry -- about to vent -- line of thought. Yup, "Be sensible and keep my mouth shut". Very timely advice.

My dear wifey frequently points out that I have a tendency to use so much tact -- that people are not sure what my point is.

I understand the danger of tact is that it has a "deluding" affect. Think of a light beam. When it is used in a broad sense and spread out without focus, we call it a spotlight. However, when you bring it into a fine focus, we call it a laser.

Removing all unnecessary words is a very important talent that writers use. If I can make my point in 500 words, then it is distracting and deluding to use 1000. The fewer words I use to make my point, the sharper the focus must be and the more intense the point.

Now I travel back and revisit my original thought, "I talk for a living".

It is my hearts desire that every word I speak -- honors God in a positive light.

It is my hearts desire that every word I speak -- confirms my character as a child of God.

It is my hearts desire that every word I speak -- not be shallow and wasted breath.

It is my hearts desire that every word I speak -- reveal God's wisdom.

It is my hearts desire that every word I speak -- encourage a God pleasing life changing transformation in whoever is listening.

It is my hearts desire that every word I speak -- be seasoned with appropriateness and decency.

And our spiritual take-away today is:

".... I am determined not to sin in what I say". Psalm 17:3