
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Choose

I'm not sure if it is the lingering affects of winter or the incessant pitter patter of half hearted rain showers but I find myself sliding into seasonal despair.

So today, I choose to take my attitude back.

The weather will not dictate my mood. How stupid is that?

To base my happiness on something that changes from hour to hour.

As the basketball great Charles Barkley says, "Knuckle-Head".

Mr. Charles Barkley as made a fortune muttering in his sarcastic dry southern slur, "Knuckle-Head" during basketball commentaries. Sorry, I digress.

So starting today, our daily blog is going to remain real and honest but with a healthy positive perspective.

This became glaringly apparent as I read Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."

The glaring unavoidable question is, "What kind of light do you choose to shine?"

In your relationships, do the people closest to you, experience the love of God in your attitudes, actions, and words?

I take this topic to heart when I view my life from Gods perspective.
Does Garden Valley Community Church radiate the forgiving love of God?

Years ago I met with a Christian family that invited me over for dinner. After we ate, they began reminiscing about all the many pastors they had known in their life. They told me story after story about how each of these pastors had failed them. They became angry and the bitterness boiled to the surface. Finally in an attempt to offer them resolution from their bitterness, I pointed out that all of those pastors had passed away but one. They were held captive by bitterness linked to people that had been dead for decades. That is a choice.

Jesus commanded us to pray for our enemies and people that don't deserve your forgiveness or love.

“You have heard the law that says,
‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy.
But I say, love your enemies!
Pray for those who persecute you!
In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good,
and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.
If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that?
Even corrupt tax collectors do that much.
If you are kind only to your friends,
how are you different from anyone else?
Even pagans do that.
But you are to be perfect,
even as your Father in heaven is perfect
Matthew 5:43-48

Refusing to forgive and harboring bitterness is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.

So the spiritual takeaway from this is, "Where will you choose to stand?"

In the morning, will you choose to live your life as a child of God that is not ashamed of the life you are called to as a Believer in Jesus Christ?

Or will you choose to remain silent and choose to blend in with the world around you.

Do those around you at work know that you are a follower of Jesus Christ?

Think about this. You will respond to this blog by making a choice.

Choosing not to respond is in itself, a response.

 Then he said to the crowd,
“If any of you wants to be my follower,
you must turn from your selfish ways,
take up your cross daily, and follow me."

Luke 9:24