"May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer". Psalm 19:14
Garden Valley Community Church Pastor Shane Moffitt December 28 th 2014 “A New Year to Choose” 14 “So fear the Lord a...
Monday, May 7, 2012
True Friendship
How often have you heard someone say, "If you need anything -- give me a call".
And have you ever heard of anyone making that call requesting help?
Nope -- me neither.
Today I had the privilege to meet with a wonderful family that is in a difficult place and needing my help as a pastor.
I made the comment, "Ok, from here on out, let me carry the load. If you have a question or a worry, we WILL talk and I will take care of it."
The family looked at me and said, "Everyone says that".
I replied, "No, everyone says, 'If you need anything, give me a call'. I am telling you that I am already on board and at work to resolve your situation. I am telling you that I know what needs to be done and I am picking up your load and carrying it for you. You can sleep tonight knowing that I am working behind the scenes tending to the details."
My point in telling you this story is quite simple. Next time you are tempted to tell someone, "If you need anything -- give me a call". STOP and ask, "What can I do to help you get through this difficult time?"
If they honestly don't know, ask yourself, "If I were in their situation, what could someone do to help me? What detail needs to be attended to that I would appreciate help with?"
I am not relaying this story to impress you with my acts of kindness. I am telling you this story to encourage you to take what is in your heart and give it a practical application.
35 I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.
36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink?
38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
Matthew 25:35-40
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very interesting observation, makes you actually wonder how many times you say that to people and clearly expect them to forget or not call.