
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Everyday this week I have struggled to write my blog.

I seriously struggled to find the source of my “writers block”.

Then the good Lord nudged me and pointed out that my blog is a reflection on what He is dealing with in my life that day.

Well, for the last few days, what God has assigned me to address has been covered by “pastoral confidentiality”. 

Many years ago, I knew a pastor that wasn’t burdened by “pastoral confidentiality”.  In other words, whatever counseling he did that week, managed to reveal itself in his sermon that next Sunday.

Don’t get me wrong, it made for some very enlightening sermons, howbeit, inappropriate and loaded with gossip but no one went to sleep. 

Of course no one went to sleep, there was an excellent chance you would miss your name being used in a sermon illustration.

One of my lifelong friends likes to say, “I can keep a secret, but I am afraid I will tell someone who can’t”. 

If you share a personal struggle with me and I repeat what you have told me in confidence – you will never trust me again.  And I will have damaged the ministry that God has entrusted to my care.  And that is a sin. 

I had a friend last week start to tell me something about his marriage that was becoming a serious problem, then he stopped, and started, then stopped again.  I could tell he wanted my opinion but he knew that if I broke his confidence, it would do serious damage to his marriage.  So he looked at me and asked if I would be his pastor for the moment, that way whatever he confided in me would be covered by “pastoral confidentiality”. 

Part of my effectiveness as a pastor hinges on people being able to trust me with their secret spiritual battles and issues.  

Anyway, my point is this, “When God leads someone to trust you with a confidential type problem, keep it between you & God.  Do not violate the confidence and spread the information around like gossip – even if you wrap it as a prayer request”. 

If you have an issue that is of a sensitive nature and you need other Christian’s to join you in prayer for the matter, simply tell them you have an “unspoken prayer request”.  God knows what the need is and will honor their prayers. 

 A gossip goes around telling secrets but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.  Proverbs 11:13 

Don’t use foul or abusive language.
Let everything you say be good and helpful,
so that your words will be an encouragement
to those who hear them.
Ephesians 4:29

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