"May the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer". Psalm 19:14
Garden Valley Community Church Pastor Shane Moffitt January 4 th 2015 “ The Church on Fire” series PART 1: When a Chu...
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sharing Your Faith
Sharing Your Faith
So today we celebrate "Monday". So I extend to you and yours, a very "Happy Monday".
Numerous people have expressed confusion on how to "share their faith" when the opportunity arrises.
I suspect this is because, we are always self conscious every time we learn a new skill. Remember how you felt during your first day on the job? Or how difficult it was to learn a new computer program? Every little detail required thought and seemed to take enormous effort. However, with time, the tasks began to be second nature and you were able to do them naturally. As your skills developed, so did your confidence.
So I wanted to throw out some ideas on how to start the whole "sharing your faith" adventure:
#1. Ask Questions:
“Do you attend church anywhere?” The sad truth is, many people have had negative church experiences. Listen to their experience without making excuses or passing judgement, then gently point out that religion doesn’t change lives, Jesus does. This is my favorite, "door opener" for sharing my faith. And if you study the life of Jesus and how he started conversations with people, He often began by asking them a question. Jesus is sitting by a well in John 4 waiting on a unbelieving woman. When she drops her bucket into the well, Jesus comments, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water." John 4:10
#2. Common ground:
“Where did you grow up? Tell me about your family, where you went to school and your job.” People love to talk about themselves. Asking engaging questions about someone’s life prepares you to identify their spiritual needs. Often I have found that "listening" is the price of admission into their heart. Once I have "listened" (without interruption) to their story, they will begin to share their life struggles. And Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. What an amazing opportunity to "share my faith". Matthew 14:14, "Jesus saw the huge crowd as He stepped from the boat, and He had compassion on them and healed their sick."
#3. Be Transparent:
People do NOT want you to open your Bible and lecture them. People do NOT want you express your opinion the error of their ways. However, people DO want you to share HOW God used His Word to impact your life in your hour of struggle. This is vital and you must not miss it. If you refuse to share a life struggle that threatened your very soul, then how can you expect the person you are visiting with to be transparent and share a very sensitive painful experience they are living with? Consider saying something like, "I know your heart is broken and you are hurting. And I know there is nothing I can say that will make you stop suffering. However, Jesus promised that He will walk with you through this terrible situation. Could I show you what Jesus promised to do in your life?" Then open your Bible to Matthew 11:28, Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
#4. Ask to Pray:
I have never had anyone refuse my request to pray with them. Think about his, by not taking their problem to the Lord in prayer, you are in practice, attempting to shoulder their pain yourself. My suggestion is to take their pain and invite the good Lord to be their strength. 1 Peter 5:7, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you."
You will be amazed how offering to pray for them leads to open doors to share your faith.
#5. Can I Share a Story?
Everyone loves a good story, and this works with close friends or even casual acquaintances. Be honest, don't exaggerate, and get to the point. Don't drag your story out for 2 hours or the poor soul will regret ever talking to you. 2 Corinthians 1:4, "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."
So my friend, swallow your fears and share your faith with confidence.
"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believers -- the Jew first and also the Gentile." Romans 1:16
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