
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My Phone Sabbatical

My Phone Sabbatical 

Over a week ago, my Samsung Galaxy phone developed a software issue. 

Initially my head exploded because I actually use my phone for “work”…. making appointments, contact information, a surprising number of counseling contacts by text, e-mail follow-up contacts, and more. 

So with my phone broken…. It directly hampered my work progress. 

What I thought was “good news” is that I purchased the warrantee and it is still within the first year of purchase.  So everything should be covered.  YEAAAA

However, in today’s high tech world of internet…. you can now track the daily repair progress of your phone at the factory….. NOT YEAAAAA

They are not going to even look at my  phone for 2 more weeks…..

What initially was going to be a one week turnaround project is now extended out to a month. 

Dear brothers and sisters,
when troubles of any kind come your way,
consider it an opportunity for great joy.
For you know that when your faith is tested,
your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed,
you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1:2-4 NLT

So as I have festered and fussed about the impact of my busted phone on my world ~ the good Lord had a plan…. a most excellent plan.

He always does. 

What I have found is this, “A great deal of what I do with my phone is NOT work related and is a massive time suck.” 

This “break” from my phone has forced me to analyze and prioritize the use of my time. 

I found that I “prefer” holding God’s Word in my hands as I read…. Instead of pulling up my Gateway app and quickly scanning the text for what I am looking for.  Holding God’s Word in my hands makes it very personal. 

This down time has forced me to analyze and prioritize my FaceBook time.  I now spend a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes at night…. Logging onto my computer forces me to be more aware of how much time I am spending on different internet applications. 

This is healthy. 

I am starting to think of this as my “Phone Sabbatical”. 

Unplugging is an opportunity to fine tune and reprioritize. 

The good Lord knew I needed to do this and He knew I would never do it on my own…. so He gave me a nudge.

My Challenge for you today is,
 Would it be healthy for you to take a phone sabbatical?    

“Heavenly Father,
thank you for knowing what is best for me,
and working to bring about what is best.
I desire to have a healthy relationship with You
and those you bring into my life.
So whatever is an obstacle or hindrance to
accomplishing what is best….
I surrender to you.
It is an honor to serve at the pleasure of the King.
in Your Son’s Name, Amen!”

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