
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

20 Defining Factors of a Healthy Church

20 Defining Factors of a Healthy Church

1. Volunteers care more about doing ministry than having a title.
2. There are more ministry teams than committees.
3. Leaders cooperate not compete with each other.
4. The church cooperates with other Bible Believing churches.
5. The church goes into the neighborhood.
6. The congregation is getting younger.
7. The front rows are as full as the back rows.
8. The bulletin isn't just about internal church events.
9. Guests feel welcome and special.
10. Volunteerism is high.
11. Ministry Outreach ideas bubble up.
12. New ideas are embraced.
13. New Leadership Is embraced and given room to learn.
14. Long-time leadership is honored.
15. The Bible is honored.
16. Worship is more than just singing.
17. People like bringing their friends.
18. Congregation members love each other.
19. People are being saved and discipled.
20. People pray—a lot.

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