
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Did You "REBOOT" today?

This morning my iPad got a little overwhelmed and I had to "reboot" it.
I push the "home" button and the "off" button at the same time and it powers down.
Then I leave it powered down for a minute and fire it back up.
It has a rejuvenating affect and cleans up whatever is slowing it down and resets everything back where it belongs.
No, I have no idea what "rebooting" actually does, but I do know it is healthy for my iPad and it always works better afterward.
My point?
Everyday God has to "reboot" me to insure I am not tolerating sin, compromising with worldly desires, and that I am faithfully obeying what He has taught me in His Word.
"Put me on trial LORD, and cross examine me.
Test my motives and my heart.
For I am always aware of your unfailing love,
and I have lived according to Your Truth"

Psalm 26:3-4 NLT
Everyday you MUST "reboot" to find and any area in your life:
where I am not aware of God's unfailing love
where I am not living in obedience to God's Word
Our spiritual take-away is:
"Everyday I must walk closer to God and His love than I did yesterday" 
Our prayer for today is:
"Heavenly Father, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be pleasing to You (Psalm 19:14) and whatever You find that is not pleasing, feel free to take action and clean up my heart, mind and life. Amen"

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