
Saturday, February 9, 2013


3 years ago, my wife helped me set up a little office in a small back porch area.  It is a few feet wide and a few feet long and has a small window on each end.  It is quiet and offers few distractions so, it is perfect for me.

I have two complaints about my office. 
First, the cat’s litter box is right by my desk ~ enough said about that.   
Second, all winter my office is cold.   
After roosting in my office for 3 years, I came to the conclusion that there simply was no insulation in the walls because heat was nonexistent. 

For 3 years, I have struggled to figure out a way to heat my office, but to no avail.  And our electric bill this winter was climbing out of control due to the little electric heater I have by my desk running 24/7.   

Having heat in my office was not worth filing bankruptcy over, so I unplugged my little electric heater and “suffered in silence”. 

It got so cold in my office, the dogs quit coming down to visit me. 

When I wasn’t home, Michele snuck into my office and conducted a search.  She believed the cold draft had to be coming from somewhere, and she was correct (as usual).   

She found the source of the cold draft. 

3 years ago, I installed some very classy book shelves I purchased at the Walmart for $49. 

Yup, behind the bookshelf was a 2’ square window ~ OPEN. 

For 3 years, I had an open window in my office ~ 
cooking in the summer and freezing in the winter.

Luke 16:10
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” 

My point is this, pay attention to the little things because they can become the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

Read God’s Word ~ don’t be lazy and flip on the TV. 

Spend time in prayer ~ it only feels awkward when you are a rookie. 

Tell the truth ~ don’t make excuses or ½ truths. 

Spend as much time and effort KEEPING your spouse                                             as you did WINNING your spouse.

As I type this, I realize that there are a 1000 windows that people leave open due to negligence and oversight. 

What is the Spirit of God nudging you to do right now? 

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