
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Knowing the Mind of God

"Pastor, what do you think about...."

I hear this question every day, and I LOVE it. The odd part is, there are only 4 different questions that I usually get asked. It would seem like there would be a wide range of topics and situations that generate curiosity, but that has not been the case.

And "NO", I am NOT inclined to list all 4 questions because they are mine fields that always generate hard feelings. Very few people are spiritually mature enough to tackle these 4 questions -- and the people mature enough, NEVER ask. Interesting.....

When people ask what I think about a topic, what they are really asking is, "What does God think?" Then they are required to decide if God's Word has the authority to change their life, or if they are going to glibly ignore what God has to say about the topic.

Personally, I believe the greatest obstacle to wrapping your head around what God thinks about a certain topic, is NARROW FOCUS.

I encourage people to study the WHOLE Bible. Otherwise we naturally gravitate to areas that interest us the most and ignore areas that make us uncomfortable.

When I worked in the jail as a Corrections Officer, a fairly common observation was that when convicts came back to county lockup after being in prison, they would have massive arms and under developed legs. This was because they loved bench press and curls but had little interest in squats and leg presses. Thus they frequently came out of prison with an out of balance muscle development.

My challenge to you is to have a balanced wholesome Bible Study plan that is always moving you toward the mind of God.

So think about this, the purpose of Bible Study has 2 basic points:
to KNOW the Word of God
to KNOW the God of the Word

"... let God transform you into a new person
by changing the way you think.
Then you will learn to know God’s will for you,
which is good and pleasing and perfect."

Romans 12:2

Many people attempt to learn about the Word of God but very few take the time to get to know the God of the Word.

Your spiritual take-away from this is, "Study God's Word with the intent of deepening your relationship with God -- not with the intent of deepening your quality of education".
Now there is one final thought that should prove troublesome for you".

"Will you give God's Word the authority to change your life?"

It is one thing to know something in your head, but it is another thing to make it part of you and have it change who you are.

Does God's Word weigh in when you have a decision to make?

Does God's Word weigh in when you are faced with a stressful situation?

Does God's Word weigh in when you determine your priorities and values?

If you want a glimpse of light into the reality of where you live, ask yourself this,
"What do you think about the most?"

"What do you spend the majority of your time thinking about?"

"Who do you talk to when you have a decision to make?"

"Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable,
and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise"

Philippians 4:8

"Never pay back evil with more evil.
Do things in such a way that everyone
can see you are honorable"

Romans 12:17

"How can a young person stay pure?
by obeying Your Word"

Psalm 119:9

"I have hidden Your Word in my heart,
that I might not sin against You"

Psalm 119:11

""The teaching of Your Word gives light,
so even the simple can understand"

Psalm 119:130

"Guide my steps by Your Word
so I will not be overcome by evil"

Psalm 119:133

"As pressure and stress bear down on me,
I find joy in your commands"

Psalm 119:143

The whole chapter of Psalm 119 gives reasons why we should fall in love with the Word of God and make it part of our every moment and thought.

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